They say a man who is truly interested in a woman will find an endless number of reasons to get in touch. A guy who’s just having fun — or confused about his own feelings — will come up with endless excuses for why he didn’t show up. Today we decode the guys speaking for you so you can tell if he’s the one to stick with like glue or the one you should run from like the wind on a stormy, thunderous night.

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He’s just calling you to say hello. He doesn’t need a reason to call you. If he wants to call you, he will. Even when there is nothing to say, he records himself. Whether that means telling each other about your day, chatting about mutual friends, or just the two of you on the phone not really saying anything but just being there, aimless phone chatter is always a healthy sign.

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He sends you picture messages to keep you up to date. When a guy treats you like he doesn’t care, that’s exactly how he feels. If a guy is caring and interested and constantly in touch, that means he’s caring and interested and constantly wants you to be there. Learn to read the right signs.

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He doesn’t get too drunk on a night out with you. If you are with him, he wants to be there for you both for companionship and to care for you. No one enjoys the company of a drunk idiot, and they’re especially aware of that when you’re around.

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Watch his friends. It’s natural as humans to talk about what’s on our minds. So when you fall in love with someone, that person is always on your mind and is the person you tend to tell your friends about. Although, maybe not as frequently and in detail, but overall the same rule of thumb applies to the other gender as well. So listen to the little clues his amigos give you to find out exactly how engaged you’ve been keeping him.

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It will pause the video game just to text you back. We all know how guys feel about their video game – neither hunger nor sleep deprivation can steal their attention. So if he interrupts the game just to answer you, you know he is a keeper.

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When talking to you makes her day. If you’re with someone you can fool around with, talk about the most random things, watch movies, share music together, and never get tired of each other, you pretty much have hit the dating jackpot.

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One of our favorite girl movies of all time He’s just not very interested corrected the age-old urban myth when they told us: We’re all programmed to believe that if a guy acts like a total jerk, that means he likes you. Well, that’s total rubbish! If you’re constantly analyzing why he didn’t call, what he’s thinking, what’s distracting him, then you’re just wasting your precious time. If he’s nice, don’t confuse that with being boring. If a guy is nice, there’s no better sign you can notice.

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Don’t ignore the physical signs. If you feel like the world is falling apart every time he kisses you, that’s a clear scientific sign that he’s not the one you should let go easily.

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Oscar Wilde told us: “Never love someone who treats you like you’re ordinary”. If he takes this teaching to heart, you have met your man. Your guy should make you feel like you’re out of this world. All the time.

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And finally, always remember that the right guy for you will absolutely, actively pursue you. He won’t let you wonder if he’s into you or not. There can be no greater sign than this.

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