10 recipes that will do you good after the holidays

The Christmas and New Year are a time of joy and sharing with our loved ones, but it is also often a time that pushes us to excess… Indeed, between Christmas Eve, the next day at noon, New Year's Eve a few days later…. It is completely normal to feel heavy, bloated and to have desire for lightness in the plate after the holidays are over! But no need to do a detox cure for all that! To relieve your digestive system after the follies of the last few days, favor light recipes, like the ones I propose in this article, will be more than enough. Discover my selection of 10 recipe ideas, light but appetizing, that will do you good after the holidays !

1/ Pumpkin soup

The soup is a ideal way to relieve your digestive system after the holidays. It tends to be rich in cooked vegetables, which have the advantage of being low in calories and digestible, but also rich in water : gold, hydration is essential for a successful detox.

I personally recommend giving preference to 100% vegetable soups after the holidays, because they are light and very digestible: they will therefore be ideal to give respite to your stomach after the holidays. Limit or avoid the addition of starches, such as potatoes, sweet potatoes, red lentils or other, which will tend to make the soup more energetic and to lengthen your digestion, already strongly solicited these last days. Adding protein is not essential either. You have certainly filled up on protein during the holiday meals. Your stomach will appreciate having a protein-free meal, whether animal or vegetable, and therefore lighter. You will balance your diet with more protein once you feel better.

An example of an ideal soup for your post-holiday menu? This pumpkin soup recipe with coconut milk : pumpkin is a particularly digestible seasonal vegetable: there is no risk that it will overload your digestive system. In addition, coconut milk has the advantage of being lactose-free and therefore better tolerated by fragile intestines.

My advice from a dietitian: We will still be careful not to have too heavy a hand on the coconut milk. And, for a lighter soup, add more water/stock before blending.

2/ Watercress soup

the cress is famous for promote the elimination of toxins. So it's perfect after the holidays! A quick and easy post-holiday detox recipe idea is this watercress velouté with potato recipe. The latter makes it possible to soften the peppery and spicy taste of the watercress, but you can easily replace it with the same quantity of leek (making sure to choose white leek, less rich in fiber and therefore more digestible), spinach or broccoli.

3/ Vegetable broth

the vegetables soup is the ultimate detox meal after the holidays! Light but nutritious, it is undoubtedly a good idea for an appetizer or a meal to cook the day after the holidays.

No broth ideas? Discover here a vegetable broth recipe with carrots, leeks and celery. Know that you can choose all the vegetables that make you happy for this recipe.

My advice from a dietitian: If detox broths can be useful if you feel too full after the holidays, it's not a good idea to chain this type of dish several days in a row! See to eat normally again as soon as you feel better again.

4/ Maxi vegetable soup

Come on, I'm sharing one last idea for a soup recipe because, let's face it, this dish is the one that goes best after the excesses of the holidays. This maxi vegetable soup recipe is also rich in vegetables that light and it has a considerable advantage: you can make it with leftover vegetables of your choice.

Not being mixed, it gently stimulates transit, it is satiating and light and allows you to easily reach your “5 fruits and vegetables a day” thanks to the wide variety of vegetables present in the ingredient list! Finally, in addition to being economical and allowing you to vary the tastes according to the vegetables added to the recipe.

5/ Vegetable purees (accompanied by a small steamed fish)

The vegetable puree is a good idea for a light accompaniment after the end of year celebrations, since it has the advantage of being very digestible. Indeed, well-cooked vegetables are more easily digested, due to the transformation of their fibers under the effect of cooking. In addition, the mixing of vegetables makes it easier to digest even more.

Although any vegetable will do the trick, here are my suggestions for the most digestible vegetable purées:

⦁ The mashed pitcheroli. As a reminder, broccoli is one of the most digestible foods with a moderate fiber content (1.5 g/100 g cooked). Its fibers are also known to be gentle on the digestive system! Do not hesitate to take inspiration from this broccoli mash recipe.⦁ The carrot puree, also very digestible since carrots are a source of very soft fibres. It is for this reason that they are very popular with young children.

For the accompaniment, the ideal would be a steamed white fishas in this recipe for steamed cod, lemon sauce and homemade carrot puree.

6/ Cod en papillote with vegetables

The white fish (so-called “lean”) such as cod, hake or even hake, are a good idea for a meal after the holidays because their flesh is digestible and low in fat.

However, always favor fat-free cooking so as not to lose their main advantage. Baked papillotes, for example, are a quick and easy option to cook: example with this recipe for cod en papillote with vegetables. The fish is here accompanied by vegetables cut into thin sticks (the julienne of vegetables) which goes perfectly with the cod, in addition to bringing our dose of vegetables to balance the plate.

Little tip: remember to add lemon to the papillotes. The benefits of lemon are numerous, and among them, a benefit is of particular interest to us at this time: the fact that it stimulates digestion!

7/ Vegetable tagliatelle

Seventh idea for those who feel bloated and heavy after the holidays, but who are still eager to find a good plate of pasta: vegetable pasta! It's undeniably a gourmet idea, and yet light, which will satisfy our cravings for pasta after the holidays.

Example ? This vegetable tagliatelle recipe. To prepare your post-holiday vegetable tagliatelle or spaghetti, choose the most digestible vegetables such as zucchini or carrot tagliatelle. Keep in mind that you will definitely need a mandolin or a spiralizer. If you don't already have one in your kitchen utensils, know that it is a useful investment all year round!

For lovers of Asian cuisine, do not hesitate to try this variant of vegetable noodle wokjust as light.

Dietitian Tip: If you tend to have difficulty digesting legumes, then it is best to remove the chickpeas from this recipe while you get your digestive system back on its feet. If you feel the need to keep the protein on the plate, you can replace the chickpeas with diced turkey or chicken or plain firm tofu (for vegetarians) which will go wonderfully in this recipe. Still with the same objective, tofu has the advantage of being an extremely digestible vegetable protein, compared to conventional legumes. To be preferred therefore if you feel smeared after the holidays.

8/ Stir-fried vegetables with ginger

It is well known, the ginger promotes digestion ! This is why you find it in so many digestive herbal teas, as a prevention or as an active treatment after a heavy meal. In addition, this food acts against indigestion, stomach aches, gas and bloating – useful if you also feel these inconveniences…

A simple and tasty way to enjoy the benefits of ginger is to prepare this recipe for sautéed vegetables with ginger. Depending on your appetite, you can add pieces of meat such as diced fillet of meat, but only if you feel your body is ready for a full meal. For vegetarians, tofu is a great post-holiday option as explained above.

Dietitian tip: If you choose to cook in a wok, be careful not to weigh down the dish too much with fat: season it instead with low-fat condiments, such as soy sauce for example.

9/ Roasted vegetables in the oven

Ninth light idea: this recipe for oven roasted vegetables ! It is an ideal alternative for those who do not like steam cooking, which is sometimes considered too bland. It is a dish rich in vegetables, which allows not to overload your digestive system. The real advantage of this recipe? You can vary the flavors depending on the vegetables in your fridge!

Dietitian Tip: This dish can be served as is, or with an omelet or tofu that you can add to the cooking plate. If your appetite is sufficient, a white fish will also be a very good accompaniment.

10/ Tagine of green beans

Green beans are one of the most digestible vegetables and contain soft fibers, especially if they are well cooked. This is why I invite you to discover a Lebanese dish that honors this vegetable: the tagine of green beans.

This tajine version with tomato sauce is both tasty and light, since it is low in fat, and the use of minced meat is a good idea to make the recipe more digestible. For vegetarians or vegans, substitute ground meat with crumbled tofu or textured soy protein.

Last tip: if you prefer crunchy green beans, be sure to cook them well for this post-holiday recipe instead to help your digestive system work. Your body will thank you!

As you will have understood, it is possible to eat greedy and light after the holidays, provided you consume the right foods. What is your favorite recipe?

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