10 things to do when you feel lonely

Since you came across this article, you are feeling lonely. Maybe this feeling has been going on for a very long time. Do you feel like it’s forever? That despite the thousands of people around you, you are alone with them?

And yet, the world is more connected than ever! It only takes one click to see and chat with people who are thousands of miles away. And it only takes a few hours to join them.

So why this feeling? Researchers say that one in five people constantly feel some loneliness. We will understand why the person manages to feel alone, and how can we get rid of this feeling?

Loneliness: Is It A Simple Feeling, Disorder Or Illness?

Loneliness can be a feeling that takes hold of us from time to time. This happens especially during difficult events: when you take care of a big problem, when you don’t go out a lot or when you don’t communicate enough…

But most of the time, feeling lonely is an accompanying sign of depression, anxiety, anxiety or another psychiatric disorder. There, you have to worry and see all the other signs to turn to a professional.

Generally, the person suffering from loneliness is misunderstood by those around him. And therefore does not even make the effort to communicate more. We think ”explaining is useless, no one will understand anyway”.

This is a mistake! We will see that communication is the key solution to getting out of your bubble.

1- You have to start by admitting it

You cannot move forward if you do not recognize your current situation. It’s true that it’s quite difficult to admit to feeling alone. But it is a very important step towards healing.

When you say ”admit your loneliness”, it’s not about shouting it from the rooftops. It’s just about talking about it. You can do this with your family members, close friends or a psychologist. This will help you to recognize your situation vis-à-vis yourself.

2- Communicate Without Doing Too Many Calculations

Communication will be your best friend to get out of your bubble of loneliness. But don’t go thinking that you have to organize a big meeting to make the effort to communicate.

You just have to start with simple gestures: ask passers-by for the time, start discussions in a waiting room or in a taxi car, call friends just to chat…

Every step you take to connect with the outside world will help you feel less alone.

3- Use the Power of the Internet

Today, communication is much easier thanks to the internet. But it must be exploited in the right way to have a result. Otherwise, it will just tire you out and bring you no results!

Instead of hanging around for hours exploring hundreds of pages on Facebook. Instead, join idea exchange groups. Afterwards, enter debates or create debates and discussions yourself!

It helps not to feel alone, and also provides a lot of culture and new ideas. Give it a try and let us know if it was beneficial! Who knows ? You may start your own group and bring together thousands of people who feel alone!

4- Slow down!

Sometimes we think we feel alone because we are only disconnected from ourselves and others. And the most common cause of getting there is being too overwhelmed.

It happens to all of us to be so busy and to accomplish so many tasks that we forget ourselves over time. We feel no need for ourselves and by dint of getting used to it, we get lost! Simply.

The solution is very accessible in this case: let go. You don’t have to overload yourself to death. You too have the right to slow down and relax. Do not hesitate to slow down or take a break altogether. At least you’ll have time to recover.

5- In order not to feel alone, you have to do good around yourself

“Volunteering is the cure for all ills! »

Some people think charity work is just a plus in everyday life. But this is completely false! I would even say that volunteering is a necessity in everyone’s life. And this, simply for the following reasons:

  • You will do good works: the first goal of charitable actions is sharing. Especially if, for example, you teach sick children, you distribute gifts to the needy… Each of these actions will bring a plus in the lives of others.

  • You will feel useful: When you do charity, you are going to see your impact and the impact of your facts on others.

  • You will meet: if you feel lonely, you may need to meet new people. With associations and groups of volunteers, you have the opportunity to see dozens of very different people, the opportunity to create a new network of acquaintances!

  •  You will see people who are really alone: through charities, you will meet people who are sick, others who are in need and who are truly alone in life. On the one hand, you will have a certain gratitude towards your situation. And at the same time, these people will feel less alone thanks to you. Let’s say it will have a two-way effect!

6- The Magic Power of Clubs

The advantage in clubs is that they bring together people who have a common interest. For example, if you like drawing, join a drawing club to learn. Or, if you are a fan of video games, there are groups to talk about it, organize tournaments and trade.

Since these people already have a common interest with you, contact will be much easier. If you want to start a discussion, don’t think about what to say. Speak directly about your common interest and the rest of the discussion will happen on its own.

7- Play Sports, But Not Alone!

Once again, you have to create an opportunity to not feel alone. But there, you gain something else in parallel: your health and your well-being! Join gyms and start training. You will meet people and you will surely have the opportunity to place a few words in the group discussions. If only to say that you don’t like sheathing.

Don’t be afraid to approach others. No one is going to reject you. Quite the contrary, most people enjoy chatting in a group. So you have to put some effort into your social interactions.

8- Don’t Refuse Plans Anymore

Sometimes opportunities to socialize with others multiply before your eyes but you unknowingly dismiss them. This is due to doing too many calculations to decide whether you want to go out or not. Or, you simply lack desire and you reject everything that comes to you from the outside.

Know that if you add an extra ”exit” plan to your week, you lose absolutely nothing. You will have the opportunity to relax, forget the stress of everyday life and above all to meet people or forge links with your loved ones. So don’t refuse the plans anymore! But be careful not to overdo it!!

9- Choose a Pet

Sometimes humans are not enough for us. We need a nice companion but who doesn’t talk much. So we opt for animals, and especially dogs and cats!

These hairballs are an extraordinary remedy against loneliness. Especially when it is related to anxiety. You really can’t feel alone in their company.

Too busy to take care of a pet? There are always solutions! Ask your neighbors or friends to walk their pets during the weekend. Take it and take it for a spin in the parks. You will even have the opportunity to get to know the people who walk around with their little balls.

10- What if it doesn’t work?

If all these techniques fail to get you out of your world, you can always consult a professional. Go see your family doctor or psychologist at work. They will know exactly what you need to get you out of there!

As you can see, loneliness is quite a complicated feeling, but it’s pretty easy to get rid of. The most important thing to stop feeling alone is to mix with others, dare to approach them and join as many groups as possible. And with all this, do not forget to take care of your own person. Don’t leave yourself alone either!

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