18 Tips for Getting to Know Yourself Better

Self-knowledge goes beyond simply knowing what your favorite colors are, your tastes in clothing style, or your favorite food, etc.

Self-knowledge, not to be too philosophical, is the knowledge that a person acquires about himself. In other words, becoming aware of one's qualities, faults, values, needs, emotions, knowing what we like and what we don't like.

It's about snorkeling deep within and coming back up with clear answers about how we are, think and act. The goal of this approach is to know where we come from, to know where we are going.

But there is nothing more complex than the human being and this quest for self is just as complex. So, what are the tips that can help us get to know each other better?

This action consists of spying on one's own gestures, behaviors and reactions as one would do to observe the other, in order to know who we are concretely. That is to say, knowing what makes us happy and what saddens us.

What provokes in us anger and what relieves and soothes us. Thus, we can thanks to the auto-observation, to release what attracts us the nuisance and the prejudice and to keep only what blooms us and fills us with happiness.

Visualize His Life's Journey

To explore oneself, one must above all stop for a moment to retrace the path traveled so far and recall all the accomplishments made and those not yet made, as well as the experiences lived, whether joyful or annoying.

All these fragments will have contributed to forging our true personality and each lesson drawn from these events, makes what we are today.

Ask the Right Questions

This approach also involves asking relevant questions that will lead to a better inner knowledge, by focusing on yourself to find answers to questions about your needs, fears, dreams and even about your physique, your health or your tastes.

You must also question your strengths and weaknesses, all of this aims to clearly identify your identity and live in harmony with your personality.

make your own judgments

To really get to know ourselves, we must disregard the judgment of others and not let them influence us or decide what is good for us, even if this sometimes implies non-conformism or marginalism.

In life, everything has already been explained, but it is important not to absorb and swallow everything that is exposed to us, but rather to create your own vision, one that stems from your own convictions and your free and independent thought.

Constantly Questioning Yourself

For better self-knowledge, you should never take everything for granted. Even with appropriate self-esteem, one must constantly seek to do better and improve.

Organize Your Ideas

Sort out your thoughts and focus only on the essentials. This allows you to have less pressure and concern to find the time and energy necessary to think about yourself and devote yourself to your search for identity.

Assume yourself completely

To really get to know yourself, it is essential to accept yourself as you are and to admit your qualities and faults with sincerity and dare to recognize everything, even the traits that we do not like in our personality.

We all have a dark side in us that is not necessarily flattering and instead of hiding the face, we must approach it and tame it to improve. Because it's the only way to measure your evolution in life and that's how you become a better person.

Stay true to yourself

To know yourself better, you have to stay true to yourself, because identifying with other people or even worse, living with the regret of not having the same life as someone else's, will only break this search of himself.

So you have to remain yourself whatever the circumstances and assert yourself in front of others; regardless of their judgment; for seek to suit them; it is to forget oneself and put aside one's true character.

Listen to Indoor Sound

Especially in making crucial decisions; you have to ignore everything that surrounds us and trust his heart.

This authentic voice, which is in us from the cradle; long before any life experiences or people we meet in our lifetime.

Adopt the Good Resolutions

To bring out his true identity; one must adopt a judicious philosophy and apply honorable teachings.

It is also necessary to sweep away all that is likely to stop his personality, such as addiction to alcohol or any other bad habit; for self-knowledge; it is also self-fulfillment.

Do not hesitate to confide in others

Setting course for this quest for self is certainly a personal and intimate process. But that shouldn't stop us from seeking advice from someone close; in whom we trust.

In particular a person whose qualities could serve this inner journey and in whom we find support and understanding.

Clear your head and immerse yourself in a bubble where there is only yourself and calm around; is a path that leads straight to self-knowledge.

Meditation is practiced more and more; no doubt for its impressive benefits in the quest for self and inner peace.

This practice is to sweep away all other thoughts and focus on yourself to get in touch with the inner self and know more about yourself. This exercise also allows us to discover parts buried in us; that we didn't even know existed.

And failing to practice meditation, one can also; devote at least a few minutes a day to getting away from noise; conversations; television and the pressure of work to walk a bit or sit outside in an isolated corner to listen to yourself or take the time to think about yourself.

Self-knowledge goes hand in hand with self-confidence

Have low or limited self-confidence; will certainly confuse his self-knowledge.

Because by doing everything according to what others expect of us, we will never be ourselves and our personality will never be authentic; but rather the reflection of what we want to show to others.

To find one's way

To seek to know oneself is also to seek one's way. That is to say, to aspire to become what one wishes; what suits us and do a job that we love.

We must ignore social pressure and take the time to find an area of ​​activity that stimulates us and reflects who we are.

And even if the job we start out with is not the one we wanted; you have to hang on and keep trying; it will eventually pay off one day.

Follow Your Instinct

When we find ourselves inspired by an activity or something that arouses a curiosity in us; you have to pay attention to this momentum and go all the way; without worrying about what others think; because it is perhaps the start of a radiant destiny or the beginning of a profession that would take us far or the key to the success of a lifetime.

Keep a Positive Attitude

Even if it is not obvious sometimes; especially in difficult times, staying positive is beneficial in self-knowledge; because it pushes us towards happiness and opens us up to new experiences and even new people who can bring us a lot.

Never Stop Looking For Yourself

Find an answer to the question "Who am I?" »; shouldn't be a one-time thing. It is a constant quest and must be renewed regularly; without being afraid of what we might find.

Leaving Your Comfort Zone

Getting out of the routine could reveal aspects of our personality in us that we didn't even know existed.

By leaving this comfort zone; beautiful surprises can await us; as well as new experiences that can teach us a lot about ourselves.

It is also the opportunity to be tolerant towards oneself; to know their abilities; what makes us better prepared to face the vagaries of life; but also knowing your limits in the face of obstacles. So you have to stop finding excuses and dare to get out of your bubble.

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