1st tool to help psychomotor therapists Ehealth innovation


The Bordeaux startup MindMetric offers an innovative service to allow online psychomotor tests: motriciQuest. Discovery.

It is from a personal story that Mathieu Baudonnat, co-founder of the start-up MindMetric, decided to create the application MotriciQuest. Based on a need expressed by psychomotor therapists, he developed a web service (computer and tablet) allowing to pass psychomotor tests online, to correct them automatically and to write up balance sheet reports.

MotriciQuest aims to simplify the work of psychomotor therapists by offering a reliable, simple, fast and intuitive solution to facilitate the taking and correction of psychomotor tests. All the most commonly used tests in psychomotricity (Rey, BLR, M-ABC, BHK, EGP …) regardless of the age of the patient are available in the application.
