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  • 10 best smart health watches for 2019 -Features, Prices, Test, which to buy?

10 best smart health watches for 2019 -Features, Prices, Test, which to buy?

Which are 2019 best smart health watches ? In the era of IOT a type of object is all the rage: the smart watch for health. Far from the classic watch, which only serves to give you the time, new generation watches are full of features. The race is launched: remains to know which will be the most complete in applications while keeping the appearance of a real watch.

Whether seen as a futuristic accessory or a fashionable gadget, the connected watch does not escape the criteria of judgment. In this consolidating market, designers tend to go in all directions. Better to be attentive. Size and screen technology (e-ink, color, round or rectangular), compatibility with different brands, models of smartphones available on the market as well as mobile OS, the technical features are not lacking.

The watch market is at a pivotal moment in its evolution, but it already has several references. In addition to the market leaders, there is also a plethora of alternative connected watches. Indeed, after the first step taken by Sony with the SmartWatch, many brands are currently doing it. These new devices offer the possibility to deport all or part of the uses of a smartphone linked to his wrist, thus avoiding the frenetic handling of the latter at length of time. Brands are racing to release models with uses closest to smartphones. To choose one then becomes a real problem.

Find the 2019 best smart health watches according to your needs

Before you start reading this comparison of the best smart health watches on 2019, you have to ask yourself an essential question. What are your needs and expectations with this accessory. Is it to do a sports activity or a training follow-up? Do you need a connected watch to track your health?

From this answer you will have already eliminated a large number of models 2019. Indeed, some connected smart watches are primarily intended for athletes for training, performance monitoring and competitions. Others are more for people who want to monitor their health, weight loss or to regularly check certain essential physiological parameters.

Price, an important factor in choosing the best health smart watch

Price is of course a factor to consider. Some models of smart watches exceed the thousand dollars, others are available for a few tens dollars. The majority of models, however, cost a few hundred dollars. The brand is obviously an important factor but also the features offered, the type of screen and the water resistance.

A model of connected watch adapted to your smartphoneMany connected watches are actually an extension of the smartphone and this one uses an application to communicate. Although many models are compatible with all brands of smartphones and work on both Android and iOS, this is not the case for all connected watches in this comparison.

Here is the comparison of connected watches to help you make the right choice before your purchase!

2019 best smart health watches

How to choose your connected watch?

Before making your choice, there are some details that need to be reviewed. If you invest in a connected watch and it is not compatible with your smartphone or does not offer the features you want, you will necessarily lose.

Objectively, there is not one connected watch better than another. Each has a different vision of the product and is intended for a particular audience. What makes a connected watch more interesting than another is the criteria that matter to you personally.

Since most smartwatches are designed to work with your smartphone, it’s important to make sure your two devices are compatible with each other. This advice may seem obvious, but it is nonetheless vital in this still evolving market and victim of a brand war.

Do you like the Samsung Gear 2? Hope you own a Samsung Galaxy, otherwise you will not be able to operate it. You lean instead for the Apple Watch? So stop now if you are not equipped with an iPhone 5 or a later model. Admit it would be a shame to invest in a smart watch for not being able to make it work …