3 books to read to start 2019 off right

Here are 3 books I've read that really almost 'blew my brain'. These are the kind of books that give you +10 IQ points just by reading them.

The Happiness Equation

It doesn't exist in French, but if you can read English it's worth a shot. In this book, Neil Pasricha delivers 9 fundamental principles to guide our life, our goals and our daily life. Through these principles is revealed the secret to being truly happy in life. And at no time does it involve wealth or material possessions.

start with why

What makes the global success of a company like Apple? Or who allowed Martin Luther King or Gandhi to stir up crowds, touch the hearts of millions and change the world? Because they had a "why", a deep reason to act. Simon Sinek, 21st century revelation in leadership expertise, uncovers the key elements that make great leaders and great companies.

Sapiens, a brief history of mankind

This book is similar to a history book but I see it just as much as a book of culture or personal development.

The author, Yuval Noah Harrari, traces human history back 100,000 years to the present day. Very far from the boring stories of our history books, he explains the functioning of our brain, civilizations, empires societies, our economy, with a background in psychology to understand what has brought us so far as Human being. All in a way that is always rhythmic and interesting, without ever boring.

The book is big but frankly I read it in one go because it is so fascinating. We learn about what made the difference between us and the other 5 species of hominids, why empires came and went, why society is the way it is today, why do we use money , and what are the challenges for the future of humanity.

An excellent book that I recommend to everyone, not just those interested in personal development.

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