3 products against digestive disorders – Treatments

If you have ever faced a digestive disorder, then you certainly know all the annoyance, discomfort and unpleasant pain it causes. The main cause is diet. However, certain factors may put you at risk. These include anatomical fragility, food intolerance, age, a surgical history, lifestyle, etc.

Whether transient or chronic, there are several remedies in medicine, herbal medicine and aromatherapy to relieve these disorders.

The Role of Betaine Citrate in Digestion

Betaine citrate is a remedy commonly used in the adjunctive treatment of digestive disorders. Its composition is essentially based on three elements: the active principle (betaine) and two excipients (citric acid and sodium bicarbonate).

Its active ingredient, betaine, is a vegetable substance extracted from beets. It has protective functions on the digestive system. It is particularly involved in the synthesis of phospholipids which, as you know, act positively on stomach motility, which stimulates the activities of the digestive system. The contractions caused serve to mix the food contained in the digestive tract and then reduce it to smaller pieces to facilitate digestion.

Citric acid also has digestive properties that boost stomach activity. In effect, it stimulates stomach juices, which facilitates the digestion of proteins and intestinal transit. Sodium bicarbonate is also not immune to digestion. It has the particularity of collecting acid ions from the body in order to neutralize them. As a result, activity takes place and acid is secreted in advance, which naturally boosts digestion.

In this way the betaine citrate helps digestion, because the three main components each have a protective, meliorative and stimulating action on the digestive system. Dyspeptic disorders and functional problems such as bloating, intestinal discomfort, heartburn can therefore be relieved with betaine.

Be careful though, some digestive disorders can be due to the dysfunction of an organ of the digestive system. If the problem persists or if the pain becomes more and more intense, go to your doctor.

Herbal teas to help digestion

Most people, when confronted with digestive disorders, immediately turn to medicine, sometimes forgetting that herbal teas can also be very effective. Some plants and spices have very unusual properties that act to soothe the digestive system without any consequences for the organism. Herbal teas can be used as a supplement, as a preventive measure, and even to treat digestive disorders. There are generally three methods of preparation: decoction, infusion and maceration.

Artichoke herbal tea

The artichoke is known to be the best friend of digestive disorders. The active principle of the plant, cynarin stimulates the production of bile and facilitates its evacuation. The latter leads to the improvement and strengthening of intestinal transit. The leaves of the artichoke plant are also very rich in flavonoids, a component that has many therapeutic properties, including diuretic and antispasmodic properties.

Artichoke tea is very effective against functional dyspeptic disorders such as abdominal pain, bloating, vomiting and sometimes even intestinal inflammation. To prepare it, you must make a decoction of two tablespoons of dried artichoke leaves. You can have a drink of it morning and evening.

Turmeric herbal tea

Turmeric herbal tea (a well-known spice) is also excellent against digestive disorders. In traditional medicine, it is used to boost digestion, treat peptic ulcers and relieve dyspeptic disorders. The main substance, curcuminoid, has antioxidant properties that soothe heartburn, bloating and intestinal heaviness. The herbal tea also contains curcumin, an antibacterial component that cleanses the stomach.

For dosage, boil the roots of turmeric (the rhizome) for 10 minutes and drink two cups morning and evening (2 g of rhizome or rhizome powder in 200 ml of water).

In addition, the infusion of chamomile verbena, cumin and licorice are very effective herbal teas against digestive disorders.

Essential oils for digestion

Aromatherapy is a treatment that consists of using essential oils to relieve certain ailments, in particular digestive disorders. Fragrant, sweet, exhilarating and volatile, they also have therapeutic virtues. Thanks to their composition and their multiple properties, they help to improve the functioning of the digestive system. They act mainly to relieve discomfort, pain and gastric and intestinal heaviness.

Cinnamon essential oil

It has stimulating and tonic properties. A drop of this oil diluted in a glass of hot water mixed with a teaspoon of honey can relieve diarrhea, indigestion and colic. It can also be used externally to massage the abdomen to soothe pain in this area.

digestive disorder remedies

Ginger essential oil

It is very effective against gastric pain, nausea, bloating and constipation. It is a digestive stimulant which acts especially against heartburn.

Peppermint essential oil

It especially promotes gastric evacuation. Very effective in treating difficult digestion and intestinal pain, it is also excellent for nausea, gastroenteritis, heartburn and vomiting. For nausea and vomiting, soak a cotton ball in this oil and inhale for relief.

As for the pains, a few drops of this oil in a glass of lukewarm water with a spoonful of honey are enough to soothe them. For stomach aches, it is recommended to put a few drops on the tongue.

Basil essential oil

It improves the expulsion of gas from the intestine and stimulates digestion. She owns antifungal properties that are very effective against nauseahiccups, aerophagia, digestive spasms and bloating.

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