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  • 3 reasons why health trackers etc. are also relevant for doctors

3 reasons why health trackers etc. are also relevant for doctors


Apple Watch and Apple Healthkit, along with many other health apps and gadgets, are driving the eHealth revolution. Why doctors should not passively wait for these drastic changes. 

Perhaps the pulse and acceleration measuring watch is not much more than a status symbol and fitness tracker at the moment, like Shari Langemak on Medscape writes. And Apple Healthkit also has some shortcomings to overcome before it really works as a switching center for the data collected from all health apps. But the foundations have been laid and the direction is clear. For doctors, this means that the consumer eHealth trend is just beginning and is much more than just a short-term development. Now the course is set for the future of the digital, networked healthcare market. That is why it is worthwhile for doctors to be there:

1. Today's health experts

When patients ask their doctor for general recommendations or even ask specific questions about health trackers, health apps, information portals, results translators, etc., this offers doctors a unique opportunity. They can show that they are interested in innovations and support their patients.

2. Health data at a glance

Thanks to digital monitoring and tracking tools, doctors have a quicker and clearer view of their patients' medical data. This supports the therapy and also the co-treatment and further treatment.

3. Health tracking also financially interesting

Health insurance companies are already covering the costs of certain applications and eHealth opens up a whole new market for doctors, as Klaus-Dieter Thill tells us in an interview.

Conclusion: In cooperation with patients, IT companies and service providers, doctors can influence the developments in their favor. Now is the time to try a lot and think about future-oriented strategies based on the experience gained. Worth it.

Photo: © pexels.com
