4 smart health connected objects to monitor closely


Whether one is concerned about one's health or one's fitness, many objects with sensors are available to monitor one's blood pressure and heart rate.

Connected blood pressure

Most often on the wrist, the connected blood pressure monitor connects to a smartphone via Bluetooth and can disclose a lot of data besides the blood pressure, which is recorded, processed and possibly transmitted to a doctor or a trainer.

The connected electrocardiogram

A strip with sensors is applied on his chest, again connected by Bluetooth to his smartphone, which receives and records the heart rate retranscribed in the form of a conventional electrocardiogram. The sensors can also provide information on body temperature, record the number of steps, the distance traveled, etc.

The connected watch

On the wrist, the watch or bracelet connected allows to consult directly on the screen its heart rate during effort. As a pedometer, it instantly calculates the number of calories burned, again allowing you to tailor your efforts to your goals. Depending on the App used, the watch also provides information on the duration and quality of sleep, for example.
