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- 5 food flavor and natural health benefits
5 food flavor and natural health benefits
Discover 5 food flavors for your health
Each flavor from the Chinesemultimillennial experience has aparticular tropism for a function:
– The acid flavor has an affinity with the liver function.
– The bitter flavor with heart function.
– The sweet flavor with the Rate function.
– The pungent flavor with lung function.
– The salty flavor with Kidney function.
Even if a food has many flavors, there are more pronounced than others, so itcan be placed in one category or another.
This direct practical interest in the way of eating. As follows:
– This taste will feed a particular function (eg, sweetnesswill nourish the Spleen function)
– Abuse of such taste will injure the corresponding function(eg, abuse of bitter taste will promote hair loss, via the lung function)
– It is therefore appropriate, at meals, consume a small amount ofall these flavors.
– In case of weakness of a particular function, the bodyunconsciously be attracted by the corresponding taste. Similarly, in this case,it is appropriate to emphasize this flavor.
– In case of hyperfunction of a particular function, the bodyunconsciously have a repulsion for the same taste.
These foods by their astringent action,have a constriction action and retention. Therefore, they can help in thetreatment of diseases in which one can note leaks or pathological flow(transpiration, stool, urine, various bleeding).
This type of food also has a regenerative action of body fluids (especially thestomach), restoring appetite and promote good digestion.
Regular consumption of foods with this flavor will be beneficial for liverfunction. More specifically, while toning the lung function and activitythrough its “gathering”, it prevents the liver function dispersesenergy too.
On the contrary, in case of excess consumption of this flavor is the Rate thatis injured (in fact, these foods will retract the flesh, muscles wither,chapped lips, etc..) Function. Its use should be restricted in cases ofinfringement of tendons and ligaments.
Similarly, an inordinate fondness for thisflavor, and a total rejection, often indicate an imbalance in the Liverfunction.
Some foods acidic flavor:
– Cereals and seeds: sourdough bread, pistachio seeds, sesame seeds – Vegetables: sorrel, leeks, tomato – Fruits: plum, grapefruit, gooseberry, lemon, strawberry, rhubarb, apricot,pineapple, blackcurrant, peach, pear – Animal products: sheep, lamb, pheasant, chicken, cheese, yoghurt – Condiments, Spices: vinegar, lemon balm, nettle – Beverages: Tea Tuo Cha, wine, cider
More exotic products: Sorghum (seeds of African origin), yam (starchytubers), purslane, pomegranate, papaya, strawberry tree, lotus seeds, persimmon(fig Japanese), litchi
Food flavor bitter
This food flavor is attached to the Heart function. In other words, bitterfoods have a special affinity for this function.
These foods, their drying action, hardening, steadying, consolidating anddispersant have an evacuation and drying up moisture action. Therefore, theycan help in the treatment of diseases in which one can note edema or diarrhea.
This type of food also has an action calming nervousness and palpitations. Thebitter taste also stimulates appetite, increases the secretion of gastricjuices and can have a emetic action on toxins.
Regular consumption of bitter foods will be beneficial for the Heart function.
On the contrary, in case of excess consumption of this flavor, one can note:drying of the skin and mucous membranes, hair loss and hair, vomiting.
Similarly, an inordinate fondness for this flavor, and a total rejection, oftenindicate an imbalance in the Heart function.
Some foods taste bitter:
– Cereals and grains: wheat, spelled – Vegetables: asparagus, lettuce, seaweed, artichoke, celery, chicory, endive – Fruits: apple, apricot, fig, grapefruit – Animal products: pork, all fish – Condiments and spices: basil, cardamom, tarragon, turmeric – Oils: linseed, sesame – Beverages: coffee, tea, absinthe, beer, gentian
More exotic products: Balsam pear seeds, longan, rambutan (tropicalfruit Asian) Japanese),litchi
Food flavor sweet
Chinese traditionsmart health connected with the sweet taste another flavor: sweet.
This flavor is widely represented in our daily diet, although itmay be “colored” by many condiments and seasonings.
A flavor that is attached Spleen function. In other words, the sugar has a specificaffinity for this function.
These foods, their toning,moisturizing, relaxing and harmonizing, restore vital energy and distributed indifferent organs.
This type of food also has a calming effect in the joint orrheumatic diseases moisture.
Regular consumption of foods with this flavor will bebeneficial for the Rate function.
Instead, the excess consumption of this flavor goes directlyinjure the Spleen function. Indeed, the latter do not like excess moisture,while the sweetness, slowing the functions of the stomach, promotes theproduction of moisture in the digestive tract and slows the flow of energy,causing eg fatigue.
Similarly, an inordinate fondness for this flavor, and atotal rejection, often indicate an imbalance in the Spleen function.
Some foods taste sweet:
– Cereals and grains: spelled, corn, millet, quinoa, glutinous rice, rye,almonds, peanuts, walnuts, lotus seed – Vegetables: beans, peas, black soybeans, asparagus, eggplant, beets, pumpkin,peas, carrots, cabbage, broccoli – Fruits: dates, banana, grape, pear, blackberry, coconut, avocado, cherry,apple, fig – Animal products: eel, carp, mullet, scallops, Jacques – Oils: palm, sesame, grape, olive, walnut,soybean, peanut – Condiments, Spices: barley sugar, malt sugar, maple syrup – Drinks: fruit juices, soy milk
More exotic products: Amarante (leaf or seed), kamut (ancient variety of durum wheat)
Food flavor pungent
Chinese tradition smart health connected with the pungent another flavor: pungent.
A flavor that is linked to lung function. In other words, pungent foods have aspecial affinity for this function.
These foods by their dispersing action and sudorific, circulate the energy ofthe body, body fluids and blood.
Regular consumption of foods with this flavor will be beneficial for lungfunction, optimizing the immune system and restoring the metabolism. Causingsweating, these foods can chase the wind and cold of the body (cough,bronchitis, etc.).
On the contrary, in case of excess consumption of this flavor is the lungfunction that is damaged, resulting in a contraction of tendons and dry nails(this excess harms the liver function). These foods are not recommended in caseof lack of energy, exhaustion of body fluids or sweating.
Similarly, an inordinate fondness for this flavor, and a total rejection, oftenindicate an imbalance in the lung function.
Some food flavor piquant:
– Cereals and grains: millet, barley, oats – Vegetables: leek, radish, garlic, ginger, onion, black soybeans, bulb onions,fennel, turnip, mustard seed – Fruit: peach, dried apricots – Animal products: chicken, honey, pollen, horse meat – Oil soybean, flax – Condiments and spices: pepper, mint, coriander, oregano, sage, thyme, chives – Drinks: jasmine tea, alcohol
Food flavor salty
This food flavor is attached to the Kidney function. In other words,the salt has a specific affinity for this function.
These foods, their Softener action drowsy, moisturizing and laxative, used toreconstruct the Kidney function and refresh the blood. They also have the abilityto disperse accumulations, to moisten and soften the hardened masses.
Regular consumption of foods with this flavor will be beneficial for kidneyfunction, giving it energy.
On the contrary, in case of excess consumption of this flavor, the bloodbecomes stagnant in the vessels, by altering its viscosity. Similarly, avoidoveruse of this flavor for infringement of the blood (high blood pressure forexample).
Similarly, an inordinate fondness for this flavor, and a total rejection, oftenindicate an imbalance in the kidney function.
Some foods taste salty:
– Cereals and grains: millet, oats, barley, rye, alfalfa sprouts and barley – Vegetables: seaweed, black fungus, soybeans, asparagus, dandelion – Fruits: Chestnut – Animal products: sausage, duck, pigeon, pork,cured wild boar, shrimp, oyster, mussel, squid, cheese, fish eggs – Condiments and spices: salt, soy sauce – Drinks: Perrier, Badoit, Vichy, borage
More exotic products:Natto (traditional Japanese food made from fermentedsoybe)
Before enjoying thefriendliness during the common meal with those present, the Chinese usuallyhave a compassionate thought for others. (Click here to know more about food flavor)
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The philosophy of Chinese food for your natural health
The nature of Chinese food
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