5 connected smart health objects to advise the patients

Connected objects or communicating objects are revolutionizing all sectors, including that of general medicine. We are talking about IOT smart health or e-health. However, their prescription by general practitioners remains hampered by certain fears, particularly with regard to the protection of medical confidentiality. Are these concerns justified and is the use of connected objects in health well framed? We advise here 5 smart health objects for the patients.

Health connected object: definition

A connected object is an object connected to the internet via a wireless communication system whereas it was not intended to be a web interface, originally. For example, we can talk about connected blood pressure but a smartphone is not considered a connected object since it is designed from the start to “surf” on the web. In practice, the connected medical devices contain electronic components, enabling them to communicate with different systems: a tablet, a computer, a smartphone, etc. Many are e-health wearables, that is to say, portable connected objects of the type watch or bracelet. They are able to:

collect various health data from your patients;process data ;transmit the results obtained to health professionals (eg, attending physician, home nurse);alert in case of emergency.

Allowing :

to facilitate the diagnosis by tele-consultation;to ensure better monitoring of patients remotely (remote surveillance);help patients to follow their treatment properly;to do prevention in various areas.

Note: there is a difference between connected medical devices and health applications. Although the border is sometimes blurred, some objects working in symbiosis with a specific application …

Connected smart health: where are we?

Connected health, the vast majority of patients and doctors already thought that the use of connected smart health objects could improve the quality of care. But despite their interest in communicating medical devices, especially for chronically ill patients, many doctors were reluctant to recommend them to their patients:

the fear that medical secrecy may be violated, for example by hacking data;doubt about the reliability of measurements taken by these devices;fear that patients may not be able to use the devices properly. 

5 smart health objects to advise your patients

The connected pillbox ImedipacTo remind your patient that he must take his medication. This one will receive alerts in case of forgetfulness or error of catch.

The Withings blood pressure monitorThere are several models of connected sphygmomanometers. That Withings is very popular for its ease of use.

The Nokia Body + connected scaleIf one of your patients needs to monitor their weight, a connected scale can be helpful. Weight, BMI, bone mass, body mass, muscle mass index. It is one of the most complete of the market.

The connected oximeter iHealth AirThe connected pulse oximeter is a medical device that measures including pulse and SpO2, used in case of asthma or COPD.

The connected meter Dexcom G4 PLATINUMIf some of your patients have diabetes, we draw your attention to the Dexcom G4 PLATINUM system, which measures blood glucose continuously.