5 tips to boost your creativity

“I am not creative”. I’m ready to bet that this little phrase has already crossed your mind more than once, on the pretext that you think (wrongly) that you don’t have any particular talent… Am I wrong? Well at the risk of contradicting you, you are as creative as any artist (yes, yes). The only difference between you two is that he knows his potential and knows how to exploit it while you don’t. Have you ever watched a child play and invent games from almost nothing? Or heard the fantastic stories that his little mind is able to invent? There are no limits to children’s imaginations, and you know why? Because they don’t try to find out if what they are doing is rational or not, and above all, they don’t limit themselves as much as adults do. When we see all the joy that the imagination gives them, we would almost come to envy this wonderful potential that we lost while growing up… Lost? Not really. Let’s say instead that it lies dormant in us and that it wouldn’t take much to wake it up…

Here are 5 tips to boost your creativity and breathe new life into your life.

1- Do not limit yourself

The first rule to follow when you want to develop your creativity is not to put yourself on the brakes or try to follow a logic. You’ve been used to rejecting most of the ideas that come to mind because you think they’re ‘uninteresting’, ‘trivial’ or ‘unusable’. Stop judging yourself! Your ideas have value and can quite serve you later. Something catches your attention? Write it down without asking yourself any questions about its usefulness, because it’s a safe bet that it will one day!

“The only place where your dreams are impossible is in your head. »Robert Schuller

2- Go back to childhood

As I told you above, children have a tremendous ability to imagine games and stories based on small details… which gives them great joy. Forget what you have learned so far and learn to look at the world through the eyes of the little girl you were: take the time to observe the drops of water falling on the window, the wind moving the leaves or those clouds in the sky that have a strange shape… It doesn’t matter if that “means” something or not. What matters is how much fun you get out of it. By opening your eyes and ears to the world around you, you will be better able to capture inspiration where it is.

“Creativity is the ability to observe the ordinary in order to unearth the extraordinary. »Dewitt Jones

3- Get inspired

Now that you have opened your mind wide, you will have to feed it… Because creativity is like a sport: it needs to be maintained! Learn to be curious and absorb inspiration wherever it is found: in magazines, on social networks, in the stores you like… Observe every detail and ask yourself why you like it: does it cause a particular emotion in you? Does it make you want to create something? Do you feel a particular energy looking at it? Do not hesitate to vary the sources of inspiration in order to enrich your mind and bring out new ideas.

“You can’t exhaust creativity. The more you use it, the more you have. »Maya Angelou

4- Collect

Creativity is a kind of energy that circulates: thoughts come as quickly as they leave. If a brilliant idea pops up in your mind, don’t tell yourself that you’re going to keep it in the back of your mind… Because it’s almost certain that it won’t stay there! Always have a notebook with you to jot down your ideas when they arise, making sure to specify what they evoke to you, which will help you remember them when the time comes. You can also start a notebook or a creative binder, where you will keep the press clippings that you like, the photos that you find attractive or even small pieces of colored paper for example. Your finds will allow you to create a sort of “creative pool” from which you will only have to draw for inspiration when you need it… Which, as you can imagine, is very stimulating!

“Curiosity about life in all its aspects is, I think, the secret of great creatives. »Leo Burnett

5- Get started

Now that you have a great wealth of ideas, all that remains is to do something with them. Start by organizing the items you have collected (whether it’s your notes, articles or photos) by classifying them by theme. Then try to see what comes out of it. Are there any themes that stand out more than others? Images that bring up particular emotions? By observing and analyzing them, you will understand which are the areas that fulfill you the most and which could allow you to exploit your creativity in a more “concrete” way. Do you like the picture ? For example, you could decide to make it a real hobby! Do you have a strong taste for decoration and writing? You should consider starting your own blog! Finding the activity that makes you vibrate is still the best way to maintain your creativity while having fun… So get started!

“Creativity is intelligence having fun. »Albert Einstein


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