7 rules to follow for good sleep

Sleep is the most precious benefit…but do we know how to take care of it? How long has it been since you woke up feeling refreshed in the morning, without thinking “what? already ?!” ? Be careful, poor sleep is not without consequences: exhaustion of the nervous system, weight gain, muscle tension, loss of vitality.

To have an ideal sleep, finally restorative, here are some tips:

Rule #1 : Go to bed before midnight. Let’s take advantage of the transition to winter time to go to bed earlier.

Rule #2 : Avoid screens before sleeping. Too many lights, and electromagnetic waves affect our circadian rhythm (the sleep/wake rhythm).

Rule #3 : Beware of sports that are too intense! At the end of the day, practicing a sport in a “violent” way would increase your body temperature and prevent you from falling asleep.

Rule #4 : Your room must not exceed 19°

Rule #5 : Eat a light meal in the evening.

Rule #6 : Consume vitamin B, magnesium and omega 3 at dinner.

Rule #7 : Some plants can help you fall asleep (like valerian or passionflower). An infusion of these plants to prepare for falling asleep is very pleasant.

A few extra tips if you still can’t fall asleep:

Redo your day but starting from the end, that is to say think of the last thing you did and move on to the one just before etc… for sure, you will not reach half of your day!

Tested and approved, it only remains for me to wish you sweet dreams.


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