7 tips for getting well organized during confinement

Since the announcement of our government Tuesday March 17, 2020 of a general confinement for all the people who can do it because of the Covid-19 which is spreading too quickly, we have had to face a new organization for the majority of between us. Without forgetting our role as parent and spouse.

Adapting your face-to-face work for teleworking is a real exercise for those who have never had the opportunity to work in this way. Especially since at the same time, the spouse can also be teleworking, or partially or even completely unemployed, or go back and forth between his workplace and health home with the awareness of danger taken.

Our children are just as confined and we have to give them school, meals, afternoon tea and a recreational game. Do you feel overwhelmed by the daily tasks and do not know how to organize your telework? Here are seven tips for getting organized effectively.

Create a dedicated and pleasant teleworking space

It is essential to create a dedicated workspace, if possible isolated and pleasant. The principle of this teleworking space is to correspond to you. customize with a plant or a photo. Even if this space is ephemeral during our working hours, it will allow us to avoid any sabotage techniques (procrastination, find excuses …).

The To Do List  

Indeed, for an effective telework and not to procrastinate while thinking of our personal tasks still not carried out and cluttering our minds or the children who constantly ask us for various reasons … We will clarify our professional, personal, school tasks and family and this will avoid all confusion, overwork, mental overload and will bring precision to our daily program.

The ideal for efficient teleworking is to make a To Do List (list of things to do) every evening at the end of the day: list all the tasks to be accomplished in all areas, then prioritize them. Thus, we will realize what it is necessary to work on the next day, in priority, and what can wait.

A timetable: let's plan our tasks

We made our list and prioritized the tasks, we will plan them. Telework can very quickly lead to mental overload by thinking of everything there is to do during the day, especially since containment period we have a school part to add.

So let's think of "schedule". To create in family, a timetable, with the programming of the tasks of each one on the time of the day. We can use codes color to identify and define the tasks of each during confinement.

Let's stick to the first 10 tasks listed in our To do List 

Being limited to the first 10 tasks of our To Do List, our telework is more efficient because we do not overload ourselves with non-priority or even unnecessary tasks. That is why, we must prioritize our tasks and set the objective the first 10 of our To Do List. Once these 10 tasks have been completed, we can move on to the following tasks.

Thus, we will go to sleep with a feeling of gratification towards ourselves and a concrete outcome of our telework. Our state of mind at the end of the day will be more serene.

Adopt the brain gym 

Indeed, in teleworking, we can have the feeling of being alone or of being overwhelmed by everything that we have to accomplish during the day. In addition, being confined, we move less and are more static.

A solution to this, let's adopt the brain gym, this method contains 26 movements simple to promote concentration and learning. It regulates emotions and thus allows us to be more efficient for our teleworking.

Integrate sport or personal activities into our schedule

Telework leads us to forget ourselves on the pretext that we work from health home. So, like the brain gym, the sports or creative activities and manual allow you to disconnect and take a break. Indeed, the sport and manual activities (DIY, coloring, painting, etc.) have benefits such as relaxing our mind, eliminating excessenergy and preserve yourself for a moment.

As a result, our work will be more enjoyable and our day less tiring.

We are not guilty, we are doing the best we can

Most importantly, let's not feel guilty. We do the best we can in conditions that are not obvious and that can be stressful and anxiety-provoking.

The telecommuting is a way of working that allows us to free up more personal time so we might as well take advantage of it.

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