71% of Americans ready to track their health


According to a survey by ORC International, 71% of Americans surveyed would be ready to use a smart health connected health tracker if the data retrieved is clinically verified.

The quantify self has taken on considerable importance for lovers of sports activities. This trend is about to take hold in the health sector. Of 1,011 people surveyed in the US by ORC International, 71% would be ready to use a health tracker if the data is approved by specialists.

This is especially true for patients with chronic diseases such as certain tonsillitis, diabetes or asthma. 87% of them consider it important to monitoring their blood pressure, heartbeat, breathing or the level of glucose in the blood. And 84% prefer to take these measures themselves.

This study also indicates the willingness of 75% of people to use watches, smart health connected bracelets or any other device of this kind to record this data.

77% of respondents consider that the information collected by such health trackers should be useful both for users and for doctors.

usa survey

Health tracker: a need for cooperation with the medical profession

The survey is commissioned by Biotricity, a startup offering a complete solution for monitoring biometric indicators and The society for the participory medicine. The former is a player in the wearable market for healthcare, while the latter has association status.

For these two entities, the result of this study proves their legitimacy of their activities, despite the small sample size. However, this implies greater cooperation between the medical profession and market players.

Procedures that will necessarily go through the competent authorities according to the legislation in force in the different states. It is still necessary to ensure the confidentiality of medical reports between doctors and patients, as signal our file on the medicine of the future.
