8 Things Everyone Dating A Virgo Should Know

Virgos (born August 23 - September 22) seem a bit shy and reserved at first, but once you get to know them, they can actually be very impressionable personalities. They are spontaneous, witty and intelligent and their need for perfection makes them a trap when it comes to romantic relationships.

If you have your eyes set on a Virgo you'd like to pursue, here are some typical Virgo traits you should know about…

  • 1. Simple and convenient with zero tolerance for nonsense

  • 3. Ambitious and hard-working go-getters

  • 5. Family always comes first

  • 7. Desperate need for personal space

1. Simple and convenient with zero tolerance for nonsense

1. Simple and convenient with zero tolerance for nonsense

Virgos are practical and straightforward with zero tolerance for unnecessary faff or flamboyance. When it comes to relationships, they hate mind games and holding back emotions. It drives them crazy to make assumptions and would much rather you be upfront with them. While pursuing a Virgo, always remember that communication is key. Make sure they know you have feelings for them before they walk away considering it's all a waste of time and effort.

2. Faithful to a fault but not to be taken for granted

Virgos are fiercely loyal and tend to give their all once they're committed. However, they also resent being used or taken for granted and will quickly hand you a one-way ticket out of their lives if they find a lack of reciprocity. They just don't believe in bad investments, relationships or the like.

3. Ambitious and hard-working go-getters

3. Ambitious and hard-working go-getters

Virgos are down-to-earth, driven, and ambitious people with a strong work ethic. They work hard at everything – their career, their relationships, and even their hobbies. They believe that everything is a competition and that they have to be the best, or why do it at all! In a relationship with a Virgo, you should try to match their enthusiasm...at least in the things that matter. When it comes to their partners, Virgos are rarely attracted to bimbos and braggarts. They are looking for someone who is driven, smart, mature and can handle themselves. The best way to reach a Virgo's heart is to earn their respect.

4. Sentimental but emotionally cautious and reserved

Virgos are sensitive and sentimental creatures, but they try not to make it very obvious. In fact, they are particularly good at containing their feelings and prefer to hide their emotions. They do not open or attach too soon and prefer to walk slowly and carefully. Their naturally cautious personality compels them to test the waters first before diving in. It usually takes them a while to fall in love, but once they do, they're in it for the long haul. In a relationship, be sure to be patient with your Virgo. Be affectionate, but don't smother them too soon with stuffed animals or you might just scare them off.

5. Family always comes first

5. Family always comes first

When it comes to family-oriented zodiacs, Virgos are up there. They cherish spending quality time at home and no matter the circumstances, family is always at the top of their priority list. Plus, Virgos prefer calmer atmospheres to loud, crowded places, which makes family outings much more appealing than a wild night out with friends. If you are in a relationship with a Virgo, this quality makes them excellent potential partners. So if things are serious, your Virgo is going to devote a lot of time and attention to you.

6. Harsh reviews with the utmost attention to detail

Virgos are perfectionists and have a hawk's eye when it comes to spotting the slightest mistake. Because they notice every little detail, they often seem like they're trying to be a know-it-all. And not only do they spot mistakes, but they are also extremely vocal and intensely critical while pointing them out. Virgos are also the most self-critical of the zodiac. They take great pride in their diverse knowledge of things and tend to be very hard on themselves if they fail in a task. In a relationship, it can be a bit difficult to put up with their ridiculously high standards. As a partner, this is where you need to go the extra mile to support your Virgo when they're self-critical and remind them that they're only human too!

7. Desperate need for personal space

7. Desperate need for personal space

Despite the occasional socialization, there's a bit of a loner in every Virgo. They are fiercely independent and cherish some alone time once in a while. In a relationship, as a partner, it is imperative that you understand that Virgos must maintain an equal balance between their time with you, their family, their friends, and their time alone. This can often lead to disastrous time management issues…but it's a burden you just have to bear. At the same time, make sure you don't get too clingy or needy, as that will only drive them away. Be patient and give your Virgo the freedom to do whatever they want. We promise you they will enjoy it!

8. Competent and fierce debaters

Virgos are generally very intelligent and knowledgeable and admire this quality in their partners as well. However, when questioned or challenged, they can suddenly become very fiery. Even in a relationship, Virgos always think things through, and when there is a debate or argument, they rarely lose. They don't usually plead unless they're sure, so if you're going to confront them, make sure you're right, because your Virgo is going to attack you with all guns blazing.

Cherish your Virgo partner and they will cherish you right away. They rarely believe in second chances, so never give them reason to be suspicious of you. Keep all of the above in mind, and it should be smooth sailing for you and your Virgo.

Picture credits: Pinterest, Giphy

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