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  • 9 tips for recovering from the excesses of the end of the year celebrations

9 tips for recovering from the excesses of the end of the year celebrations

After the end-of-year celebrations, our organization needs recover from overeating and of regain its vitality. Heaviness, difficult digestion, lack of appetite, bloating… are some examples of symptoms that can lead you to review your diet. But what to eat after the holidays to recover from these excesses? Discover my dietician advice for restore a functioning digestive system after the Christmas and New Year festivities.

How to eat after the excesses of the end of year celebrations?

#1 We eat lighter and avoid foods too high in calories, too fat or too sweet

You have understood: after the end-of-year abuses, it's time to be a little more reasonable. So, we find a balanced diet and we eat lighter for a few days, until you feel better. For that :

  • set aside alcoholsfood too high in calories, too fat or too sweet.

  • Avoid sodas and other sweetsbut also the delicatessenthem cheeses and the added fats (butter, oil, etc.).

  • Reduce your meat consumption. Prefer fish (more digestible) in reasonable quantities, while making sure to choose less fatty fish (cod, sole, etc.).

#2 We reduce the portions of starchy foods, which are heavier to digest

The holiday season is a time when we tend to eat a lot, especially starchy foods which are known to be very satiating. My third tip for resting your digestive system after the holidays is to reduce your starch intake a little, at least for 2-3 days. This will allow your digestive system to be less stressed and feel lighter.

The trick of absmarthealth.com: Think about my first advice and make sure that vegetables are at the heart of your plate!

#3 We eat more fruits and vegetables

The fruits and vegetables surely missed on your plates during the holidays… It is imperative that they become your allies again in its few days of “detox” post-holidays (and not only now by the way!).

  • In effect, light and low caloriefruits and vegetables have the advantage of being more digestible and therefore of less overloading the digestive system (if they are not cooked with fat).

  • They are rich in fiber who promote digestion and fight against constipation that may occur after the end of the year festivities.

  • They are, finally, water-richwhich rehydrates the body after alcohol abuse.

The trick of absmarthealth.com: during these few days of diet, Choose cooked rather than raw fruits and vegetables. Raw vegetables are generally less digestible, so they can attack your already weakened intestines. In addition, eating cooked fruits and vegetables makes the task of your digestive system easier, thus avoiding overloading it further.

#4 We avoid dishes in sauce or cooked in oil

For a few days, avoid dishes in sauce or cooked in oil, which are not easily digestible and calorie-dense, and favor softer and lighter cooking.

Preferred cooking methods:

  • Steam cooking;

  • English cooking (in water);

  • In the oven;

  • In foil;

Cooking methods to avoid for a few days:

  • Pan-frying;

  • fried foods;

  • All other cooking methods based on cooked fats.

#5 We don't hesitate to make soups, broths or purees

It's time to eat lighter : opt for broths, soups, vegetable purees, etc. These are among the dishes that allow the most put our body to rest after excesses. They have the advantage of being light, rich in water, and sources of vitamins and minerals ideal for replenishing nutrients.

#6 There are reasonable quantities in the meal

The holidays are often synonymous with excess in terms of quantities ingested. 8th reflex to have: we decrease the volume of meals in order to return to normal amounts.

#7 Let's move!

During the holidays, we tend to eat a lot and to move little : meals last a long time, which pushes us to stay long hours at the table. Another good reflex to have after overeating: to move !

I am not talking here about practicing intensive physical activity because often, after a period of excess food of this kind, the fatigue is at the rendezvous and the feelings of heaviness prevent us from finding the strength and motivation to play sports. Nevertheless, a quiet physical activity (as the fast walkthe bike or the swimming) might just do the trick. It will thus allow us to get some fresh air, breathe, get our digestive system working again and to gently eliminate the calories accumulated during the holidays.

#8 We sleep!

After the holidays, the fatigue can lie in wait for us, whether because of shortened nights by prolonged meals or our excessively rich diet that draws our energy for good digestion. In this case, finding an appropriate sleep is just as essential as our diet to get back to our usual shape. So we take advantage of the few days off we have left to to rest and make up for lost sleep !

#9 And above all, we drink water!

During the holidays, your body has certainly taken a lot of money. Your liver, your pancreas or your intestines have been strained with the excessive consumption ofalcohol and of foods high in fat and sugar. The last tip – and not least - is of do not neglect your water consumption.

Be sure to drink at least 1.5 L of water, in small sips throughout the day. The water will promote thewaste disposal of our organization and will contribute to our hydration (essential because alcohol tends to dehydrate).

The trick of absmarthealth.com: Make a small “cure” of lemon water for a few days. To do this, drink a glass of lemon water in the morning, on an empty stomach. Indeed, the lemon has a diuretic action, thus eliminating toxins from the body. Moreover, he promotes digestion and has a alkanizing action.

A word from the dietitian

Out of inspiration? Click here to discover my light post-holiday recipe ideas which will relieve your digestive system.

The Christmas and New Year holiday season can be a very frustrating time for some people who follow their diet closely all year round. It is important to remember that it is completely normal to want have fun during the holidays by agreeing some deviations.

Put aside the guilt and fully assume having enjoyed around the table as well as having recharged the batteries through these moments of letting go, gluttony and sharing. From now on, follow my advice and quietly get back to your usual diet. If you notice a weight gain over the holidaysdo not panic: your weight will stabilize quickly with the introduction of a balanced diet again.

Goodbye !

For more post-holiday articles, also read:

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