A camera that films your animals when they play

PlayDate is a small smart health connected camera positioned in a small ball that will allow you to play with your pet even when you are not at health home.

PlayDate is the first truly interactive smart health connected pet camera. As I said, it allows you to play with your dog or cat from anywhere in the world, via a smart ball and a mobile application.

animal camera playdate

With this small camera, you will be able to see your pets and the environment around them. This stabilized camera allows you to see all the action smoothly, in real time and in HD. You can control PlayDate directly from your iOS or Android smartphone after downloading the app. For cats, a small option has been added: a small slit will allow you to add ribbons to stimulate them even more.

On the left, on the right, you can move the ball and hang photos or record videos in a single gesture. Similar to a hamster ball, this little smart health connected ball rolls wherever you direct it.

animal camera playdate

If this product interests you and you want to give a gift to your pet, go for a walk on the IndieGogo crowdfunding site. It is offered from 129 dollars. Watch this little ehealth to find out more:

(Embed) https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=e0zwKScb0vE (/ embed)