A campaign to encourage French people to eat healthy

 Friday October 25, 2019

A national campaign has been launched since Tuesday October 22 to encourage the French to eat better. On the menu, more legumes and the transition to complete starchy foods.


Foods little present on the plate

 Public health France wants to encourage the French to eat better. For this, a new campaign with the slogan " Start by improving a dish you already like Was launched on Tuesday October 22 on social networks, on television as well as on mangerbouger.com.

Recommendations include eating more starchy foods like rice, wholegrain bread, pasta and semolina as well as pulses like lentils and chickpeas which are high in fiber. It should be remembered that about 60% of adults do not eat whole grain products. In addition, 85% do not consume pulses twice a week, as advised.


Encourage without making you feel guilty

The campaign wants to encourage the French and not make them feel guilty. It is more about taking better eating habits but without giving up on having fun. It is also advisable to eat more fruits and vegetables as well as homemade dishes rather than industrial ones.

The objective is to raise awareness that it is important to reduce your consumption of sweet and savory products, cold meats, meat and alcohol. For those who follow Nutriscore, these are foods marked as D and E on food packaging. In France, almost half of adults are overweight. In addition, according to the Ministry of Health, 8 million people suffer from obesity.

 Stéphanie Haerts

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