A Fitbit can tell a woman that she is pregnant!


You remember the man who had found the moment of his break thanks to his statistics Fitbit? And the capabilities of the machine do not seem to stop there, since it is apparently smart enough to detect a pregnancy!

A couple could be informed of the arrival of a future child when the man, concerned about the data provided by his wife's FitBit, has them posted on Reddit to know more : "Is something wrong with my activity tracker? Is it possible to reset or recalibrate the device? I would like to try this before contacting customer service ».

After some comments in connection with the controversy on the quality of the heart rate monitoring of the tool, it is finally the user ThatWasUnpleasant who asked: "Has she been very stressed lately, unless she is pregnant? " : and yes, she was well pregnant ! This was confirmed by the father, YoungPTone, by posting: "I'm going to be a father! it's my heart that I'm going to have to watch now lol " .

In fact, it turns out that pregnancy detection mode did exist on FitBit ! The functionality allowed the bracelet wearer to know if she was pregnant or not, and if so at which quarter she was. But that had no impact on the statistics provided by the pedometer and the calorimeter, so FitBit finally stopped the development of the service that is not not available.
