A Google smart health connected bracelet to detect cancer?


We recently told you about Google's research on the detection of cancer cells using nanoparticles. Atlantic has just published a ehealth, in which they present research from Google X labs on cancer, and in particular the role that a smart health connected bracelet could play in it.

For non-English speakers, the principle is as follows: Google teams are developing nanoparticles located in unmanageable capsules. Once swallowed, these nanoparticles will be released and will circulate freely in the blood system. They have the ability to bond to cancer cells. If a cancer cell is detected by a nanoparticle, it will "light up" and can be detected by a magnetic bracelet worn on the wrist.

The principle is quite clear, but the realization is very complex. To detect the light generated by these particles, Google Life labs must be able to understand how light passes through the skin. They therefore created artificial arms, covered with synthetic skin, but also real skin, collected from donors.

In the ehealth, Andrew Conrad hopes that such a device could take time to emerge, but that he thinks that it could be operational "rather in a few years than a few decades."

We are going to follow this project very closely, which is taken extremely seriously at Google (more than 100 doctors are working on it).

(Embed) https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=7dzI_azZEGI (/ embed)
