A health sensor capable of working on animal fur


Researchers fromImperial college from London have developed an animal and human health sensor that can track vital signs through clothing and fur.

Among other things, the new device can measure heart rate and respiration, even if 4 layers of tissue separate it from the skin. It is therefore a real breakthrough for health smart health connected objects that are easier to carry for us and especially for our furry companions.

how the Imperial College London animal health sensor works

How does this animal health sensor work?

While there is no shortage of health trackers for humans, those for pets are much rarer. One of the reasons, according to the inventors of the new device, is their inability to take measurements through the fur of our animals.

The solution ? A composite material mixing water and silicone. This is used to wrap a microphone. In fact, the envelope is soft enough to fit the shape of the garment or fur, letting the microphone effectively record sound waves from the body. So effective in fact that the machine can work with 4 layers of clothing. But it works best with just one coat.

Then, the data collected on the animals are transmitted to a computer which will make it possible to follow their evolution, like a classic health sensor therefore.

(Embed) https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=lsNXfcSIAq0 (/ embed)

How will it revolutionize smart health connected animal health?

On the one hand, this device will facilitate the monitoring of the animal (pet or farm) by its owner. In addition, his veterinarian will no longer have to shave its fur during an operation to follow his condition.

Less common, this health sensor could also improve the work of certain animals like detection dogs. In fact, their heart rate accelerates when they feel a danger (a bomb) or spots a victim in the rubble. Combined with an algorithm, this data would allow us to quickly determine if the dog has found what it was looking for.

how the Imperial College London animal health sensor works

In humans, the interest is a more flexible and more reliable health sensor, which one can for example simply wear around his neck like a necklace.

Scientists still plan to Review the invention on animals other than dogs, including farm animals.
