A low-cost multi-color smart health connected bulb

UKnekt is a multi-colored smart health connected light bulb that intends to attack its competitors head-on by offering products at bargain prices.

UKnekt therefore wishes to compete directly with multi-colored smart health connected bulbs such as the Hue from Philips or the Bolt from Misfit. But are they really cheaper? Proposed with their accompanying application, these bulbs therefore offer more than a million colors in the RGB spectrum and can play on the light intensity.

UKnekt connected bulb

You can also easily create events to turn your bulbs on and off automatically. It will also be possible to control them from your chair, or even on the other side of the world.

UKnekt connected bulb

Another good point for this brand: the two-year replacement warranty for bulbs. UKnekt are LED bulbs communicating via WiFi and displaying a lifespan of 25,000 hours. They need a power of 7W for almost 600 lumens of brightness.

Now let's talk about prices! Currently being funded on IndieGogo, it is possible to buy a bulb and its bridge for 26 dollars; in commerce the price will be 40 dollars. For two bulbs and a bridge, the crowdfunding price is $ 76; in commerce the price will be 130 dollars. All this suggests that these bulbs are not that affordable and that the price difference is not that great …

In fact, these smart health connected bulbs are cheaper than the competition if you buy in numbers. For 10 bulbs and a bridge, the IndieGogo price is 211 dollars then will be 400 dollars commercially.

To finish, here is a short demonstration ehealth: