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  • A smart health smart health connected object to fight against allergies

A smart health smart health connected object to fight against allergies


Like Scio and other biological scanners,Allergy Amulet is a new smart health smart health connected object capable of probing the molecular composition of your food. However, it stands out from the competition thanks to its ultraportable style and its specialization in helping people with allergies.

One in three French people suffers from allergy. A problem that could well be solved in this gadget which consists of 2 elements: a detection patch and one alert scanner. The first can be wedged in a bracelet, a necklace, a shell smartphone or smartwatch, and comes touch food to harvest allergenic molecules of the user if there are any. The second comes into play in order to detect the data collected by the first and fromto alert the patient via a vibrator and an LED in case of correspondence.

Allergy Amulet

At the moment, the device is only able to detect that peanut, the most important allergy in the United States. Its technology already makes it very sensitive to this molecule, to the point of being able to help even the most intolerant patients. The phase of Beta Review should start very soon, the device having been selected by the incubator MassChallenge based in Boston and designed in partnership with a team of researchers specializing in allergies to Stanford. Next steps ? Recognition of shellfish, gluten, nuts, dairy products and soy !

We still wonder why the startup behind the project did not think of making the scanner as convenient that the detector; indeed, this one does does not fit in all objects compatible with the patch apart from the phone shell. It will therefore be necessary to find where to store it while on the go … Besides, the patch is not not reusable : it will therefore be necessary to use a new one during each meal! Not very economical, when you know the price that this kind of refills generally costs…
