a wireless sensor that grows in bone

Researchers at the University of Arizona have developed osseosurface electronics, an ultra-thin device that attaches to bones and transmits data wirelessly. This breakthrough could allow doctors to monitoring a patient’s bone health over time; as well as the quality of their healing after an injury.

A new smart health connected innovation in the medical field; like the remote-controlled dressing I already told you about.

Osseosurface Electronics and its sensors

The new devices, which the team calls “osseosurface electronics,” contain an array of sensors. They are packaged in a soft case the size of a penny; and as thick as a sheet of paper.

They can wirelessly transmit bone data to a smartphone or other device. And they don’t need a battery to work: energy can be transmitted from the outside thanks to near field communication (NFC).

Osseosurface Electronics and its sensors

So, to keep the osseosurface electronics attached to the bone long-term, the team created an adhesive containing ceramic particles of calcium phosphate. This allows the bone to grow on it. The device is thus permanently bonded to the bone; and no longer detached when the outer layers come off over time.

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Next, the bone surface electronics are designed to be thin enough not to irritate the muscles moving over it. Eventually, it is hoped that such devices can be implanted in people with conditions such as osteoporosis. The goal is to monitoring their bone health over the long term. They could also be useful after a fracture, to allow doctors to monitoring the healing of the bone.

“Being able to monitoring the health of the musculoskeletal system is super important. » ; explains Philipp Gutruf, co-lead author of the study. “With this interface, you actually have a computer on the bone. This technological platform allows us to create investigation tools allowing scientists to discover the functioning of the musculoskeletal system; and to use the information gathered for the benefit of recovery and therapy. »

The team tested the device on animals; showing that they can be implanted in small and large animal models. Real-time data can be read with a smartphone. The research is still in its infancy. We do not yet know how practical it will be. But these works are no less fascinating.