About us Chinese food and natural health

Welcome to Chinese-food-and-natural-health.com

HOHODO INC., We are a Chinese small organization provides diverse range homemade health solutions that help you to improve the health everyday and give you with Chinese natural remedies about how to improve your body and mind health naturally.

We are under several Chinese healthy experts to give our readers with valuable healthy service and knowledge.

In ancient China, the drugs could be tailored from nature itself.And step by step, traditional Chinese medicine appeared. This medicine talked early close relationship with food. And when the drug is added to the food,it is a dietary treatment. Besides a Chinese proverb says “it is better to be treated by the food than by the doctor”.

We sincerely hope that this site fulfills the objective of giving you a global view about the relationship between Chinese food and natural health,and also understanding Chinese diet , Chinese medicine and Chinese culture.

Please do not hesitate to contact us for any further information. Reach us through “Contact us” page for any questions.

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Today ,she is a mother ,a good teacher,a nutrition experts,a foodie also a partner of Chinese-food-and-natural-health.com.

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