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Acai – anti-aging the anti-aging guide anti-wrinkle anti-aging aesthetic medicine


The anti-aging effect of acai. The antioxidant power of acai is 8 times greater than that of broccoli. A fruit that comes to us from Brazil to discover as soon as possible.

Her name

Acai or acai berry or pinot palm berry is grown mainly in Brazil. These are berries that grow on a palm tree up to 20 meters high.

Its anti-aging actions:

Recently an American study showed that acai protects cells from oxidative stress thanks to the polyphenols it contains. It would also have highlighted an anti-inflammatory effect that can have an effect on cardiovascular diseases, therefore anti-aging.

Other researchers are more skeptical on the matter: although it has an antioxidant power, the most recent data indicate that its antioxidant value, compared to that of other fruits, would be rather intermediate: it would contain more antioxidants than guava, blackberry, passion fruit, orange, apple and pineapple, but less than acerola, mango, strawberry and grape. Its antioxidant activity could be compared to that of black cherry or cranberry.

The skin, flesh and core of acai berries contain phytosterols and polyphenols. The antioxidant action of the fruits would be more precisely attributable to the anthocyanins and proanthocyanidins found there.

Preperation :

It can be mixed with soy milk or yogurt, acai having a fairly strong taste. In France, it only exists in the form of frozen pulp and it will be more complicated to combine it with salt, although it is common to see in South American cuisine grilled fish or meat with acai berries. . For an energizing cocktail, mix it with raspberries, blueberries, strawberries or pomegranates or bananas in a mixer or blender.

His origin

Very early, the natives of Amazonia consumed the young shoots of acai even before the arrival of Europeans. Fruits are eaten fresh to prevent their active ingredients from deteriorating too quickly. Acai is found exclusively in South America and more particularly in Brazil. It grows in swampy areas.

Today, acai can be found in powder form or in frozen puree. This packaging made it possible to export it. Endowed with an energizing virtue, drinks have appeared on Brazilian beaches with surfers who have popularized this berry. Then Dr. Perricone introduced it into his range of nutrients with a notion of anti-ageing.

Nutritional value :

Acai fruits contain 52% carbohydrates, 8% protein and 32% fat. These include oleic acid (monounsaturated fat – omega-9), linoleic acid (polyunsaturated fat – omega-6) and palmitic acid (saturated fat). Acai berries are a good source of vitamin E and dietary fiber. They also contain vitamin B1 and iron. A 100 g portion of frozen berry puree contains 80 kcal. The glycemic load of acai is low as long as, of course, no sugar is added. Several popular recipes and products of acai sorbets, smoothies, snacks, drinks or desserts do indeed contain good amounts of sugar.

Where to find it?

To be enjoyed in certain fruit juice bars in Paris (Wanna Juice, Soup and Juice).

On the Internet, discover two importers: Vital Bio

Orac test (Oxygen Radical Absorbance Capacity):

Acai has a high ORAC score (161400 μ mol TE/100g), higher than all fruits and vegetables but much lower than clove (314446 μ mol TE/100g) cinnamon (267536 μ mol TE/100g) or with dried oregano (200129 μ mol TE/100g). It is barely superior to turmeric (159277 μ mol TE/100g).

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