According to Fitbit, we are feigners


Fitbit, the king of smart health connected bracelets in terms of market share, took advantage of its database of several million users to consult their data anonymously to draw conclusions … Quite surprising!

Selecting a sample of more than 1 million smartbands in 2015, the Californian company has discovered that when we sit, we stay in this position on average 1:30. And that's not good news: indeed, be sitting For too long, cardiovascular diseases are easier!

Fitbit also teaches us that most of its users like to sit between 10:30 am and 11am, between 2pm and 1pm and between 7:30 pm and 8:30 pm, this last niche being often devoted … To watch his television set.

With that, the company specifies that the older we get, the more time we spend sitting and the less we exercise: nothing to fix things. Moreover, without taking into account the young people who spend the day in class, it turns out that we become more and more sedentary between 20 and 24 years sitting an average of 1 hour more per day each year than the previous one in this range! And that would continue as we get older: at age 30, this time is again increased by 30 minutes, and the same thing happens after 55 years.

The rather surprising fact highlighted by this study is the renewed activity after retirement : Indeed, few are over 60 to wear a Fitbit … Except perhaps those who have the usefulness. Hence this figure.

To combat our lack of dynamism, the latest product of the brand, namely the Fitbit Alta, so has a feature you notifying as soon as you have not done 250 steps after 1 hour.

You can find additional information in the infographic below.

Fitbit's health

Come on, we move and we stop spending time in front of this screen! ?
