Aesthetics: how to find pretty eyebrows

The trend is for very full eyebrows and, in beauty salons or beauty institutes, women ask for them “à la Kim Kardashian”. Understand: very thick, provided and structured. But between those that are naturally fine and those sparse by repeated waxing, eyebrows are often a source of complex. Aesthetic solutions make it possible to restructure the look.

“Permanent” make-up to regain your expression

It is a proven method and is often practiced in specialized beauty salons that follow European hygiene regulations.

What result? In terms of color, permanent makeup techniques have progressed. By mixing different pigments and colors, the professional must be as close as possible to natural tones.

What risks? The method is safe if the rules of hygiene are respected: all the material must be sterile and for single use.

Disappointed with the result? The risk of disappointment remains limited if the professional takes care to draw the eyebrows with an ephemeral pencil, to validate that the line and the density meet expectations, then to fill in with a needle. For more naturalness, current methods favor point by point rather than a complete stencil-style filling.

What suites? The session is not painful but unpleasant. There are redness, some scabs that will disappear in a few days. It is advisable to apply a healing cream after the session.

What interview? It all depends on the type of skin, and how the pigments will fade more or less quickly: 6 months, 1 year or 18 months… before doing a touch-up.

How much does it cost : Count from 250 to 350 € for full eyebrows.

Eyebrow transplant to restore relief

This technique benefits from advances in hair transplantation, since the principle is the same: take hair from the scalp to implant it where the lack is.

One of the specific issues for the eyebrows consists in correctly implanting the hair, so that it goes in the right direction and does not give a “messy” result. For this reason, Dr. Bouhanna prefers the collection of the strip: “We keep a hair shaft one centimeter long, which allows us to see which way it goes to better graft it. Unlike the FUE technique, which requires shaving the scalp to remove, and then offers less visibility to reimplant. »

It takes 150 hairs for a full eyebrow

Whatever the method, once the hairs are removed, they are then re-implanted one by one, knowing that it takes about 150 for a complete eyebrow. The session can last two to three hours.

What result?“It all depends on the type of hair used: you have to choose the location of the sample carefully and know that you can never exactly reproduce the texture of the eyebrow. But visually, it’s very satisfying. »

The ideal type of hair to become a beautiful eyebrow? A curly hair, with a natural curvature that returns to the skin. A straight hair will require the use of a modeling mascara to coat it. Frizzy hair can be considered provided it is very short so as not to curl.

What risks? An unsatisfactory result if the follicles are poorly reimplanted and the eyebrows are in battle and require restrictive care.

What interview? Immediately after, there are microcrusts at the implantation points. Then, the graft lasts for life. But these hairs grow… like hair grows, so they have to be cut regularly.

How much does it cost : €2,500 to €3,500 for full eyebrows.

Botox injection to raise the tail of the eyebrow, a good idea?

This practice responds to anti-aging applications when the look becomes droopy and that the tail of the eyebrow is more sparse. Result: we look tired even when we are not.

A Botox injection will make it possible to obtain “a real boost with a simple and targeted gesture: inject a point of botulinum toxin at the level of the tail of the eyebrow to raise it and illuminate the eyes”adds Dr. Hayot.

What result? A more open and clear look.

What risks? The surgeon or aesthetic doctor must be an expert on this sensitive area close to the eye.

How much does it cost : €400 to €600 for a Botox injection, for a period of 6 to 8 months.

In institute: ephemeral techniques for the eyebrows

Restructuring with hair removal: this is the classic hair removal method which consists – with wax and/or tweezers – in reshaping the eyebrow to illuminate the eyes. At Benefit, which has eyebrow bars all over France, in Sephora stores: €22 with tweezers or wax.

The coloring: often associated with eyebrow waxing, it brings substance to the eyebrows. 15 € for a coloring only. €32 for waxing + coloring.

Adding eyebrows: this method practiced by the Atelier du Sourcil requires the work of a lacemaker. After traditional hair removal, the addition consists of attaching an artificial hair to an existing hair or directly to the skin, to obtain more density. It is the ideal method to have beautiful eyebrows for an occasion, but the result is ephemeral: 4 to 10 days.

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