Against chronic fatigue, play sports

Regular physical activity would be beneficial for patients with chronic fatigue syndrome, says recent review Cochrane.

The practice of an activity physical allows you to be fit and healthy. But is this truth also valid for people with chronic fatigue syndrome ? A recent review Cochrane answers this question in the affirmative, even if some limits remain in the evaluation of potential side effects.

A mysterious pathology

The syndrome of chronic fatigue is a pathology complex which manifests as exacerbated fatigue, pains recurrent muscle and joint problems, as well as neuro-cognitive disorders for more than six months that nothing can make up for. It would affect up to 500,000 people in France according to the French-speaking community of patients with myalgic encephalomyelitis (this is the other little name for this syndrome). Difficult to diagnose because systemic, its pathophysiology is still subject to controversy but immune and metabolic problems seem to be at the origin. In France, very little work has been done on this condition. It remains little recognized by the medical profession while its existence is consensus in the United States and Canada.

Few drugs seem to work. Indeed, without knowing causal mechanisms precise by which the disease manifests, it is difficult to develop an appropriate medication. Usually, patients with this syndrome follow relaxation sessions or therapies cognitive and behavioral.

Less fatigue thanks to sport

Intuitively, sport does not seem suitable in the management of this pathology. However, it seems more effective than relaxation and the usual treatments for reduce feelings of fatigue and the symptoms depression in those affected, short and long term. On the other hand, it would not really be more effective than cognitive and behavioral therapies. Finally, the side effects of physical therapy are still poorly identified by researchers.

The authors of the review quite naturally conclude that " exercise therapy is recommended by treatment guidelines and often used as a treatment for people with chronic fatigue syndrome. People with chronic fatigue syndrome should have the opportunity to make informed decisions about their care and treatment on the database of research solid and the effectiveness of treatment-exercise, as a stand-alone intervention or as part of a treatment plan. "

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