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  • Alert'AVC, the geolocation application launched by the Hospital Foch com Suresnes

Alert'AVC, the geolocation application launched by the Hospital Foch com Suresnes


"While the therapeutic advances to reduce the serious consequences of stroke have changed considerably in recent years, the question of the time to access treatment and (that) the coordination of health professionals is still an important issue", emphasizes the establishment (private non-profit), recalling that "each half-hour lost represents 15% chance of recovery less" for the patient.

The application aims to "facilitate the coordination of health teams, which include between 10 and 15 professionals" (Samu, firefighters, nurses, neurologists, radioneurologists, anesthetists, surgeons …) by allowing "to follow in real time the arrival of a victim "in the nearest specialized care center, once the emergency protocol has been launched.

"This coordination between the means of transport of the victim and the specialized care center is a major aspect of this medical emergency and no tool in France allowed to create a real synchronization between teams," observes the institution. Alert'AVC is downloadable via iOS or Android and requires accurate authentication of healthcare professionals.

It has been the subject of 12 months of development, coordinated by two doctors, Dr. Bertrand Lapergue, neurologist at the hospital Foch, and Dr. Caroline Arquizan, vascular neurologist at the University Hospital of Montpellier.
