AmbiGate develops 3D video game physiotherapy for back


Ambigate eReha: Video game-based exercise therapy for a strong back

compact sphygmomanometer, reminder function, history graphs, simple documentation

The Tübingen start-up AmbiGate has developed a gaming approach that helps people with back problems. The exercise therapy associated with game tasks can be used at health home as well as in companies in the form of workplace health promotion. TV or computer screen form the virtual practice room, a 3-D camera monitors the movements of the subject. The 3D sensor-based health home therapy system is based on innovative AI and sensorimotor algorithms to increase the efficiency of therapeutic treatments.

A virtual trainer guides you through the back exercises at AmbiGate eReha


AmbiGate Solutions: Back Rehab with 3D-supported therapy system

With its 3D camera based movement therapy system, AmbiGate helps to alleviate or at least completely avoid back problems. To this end, the researchers have developed a virtual trainer that shows exercises and motivates them to follow suit. If an exercise is repeated incorrectly, the system intervenes in real time. Using specially developed algorithms, it measures the progress of the exercise participant.

So that the motivation to perform the back exercises is not lost, the researchers and developers of AmbiGate have integrated the exercises into small games. Users then use the exercises to control the games and playfully reach goals.

AmbiGate eReha health home can be combined with a prescribed physiotherapy


AmbiGate eReha health home: Back health training for the health home

For health home use, for example, mini-games allow users to fly through a virtual world, collect crystals within a virtual mining tree, master forest trails, or virtually dive underwater. The patient performs playful back-strengthening exercises.

AmbraGate's eReha can also be used in combination with physiotherapy. If the patient agrees, the system transmits analysis data encrypted to a portal to which the attending physiotherapist receives protected access. So he can observe the success of health home training and adapt the exercises directly from his practice out.

The advantages of AmbiGate eReha for the health home:

  • Increase physical health

  • Participants can complete a time-saving and effective back health training

  • The sensor-based analysis of the motion sequences leads to a high training success

  • Training participants experience high motivation thanks to tasks in mini games

AmbiGate eReha Business can be used as part of workplace health promotion


AmbiGate eReha Business: Workplace Health Promotion for Employee Backing

Because many back problems arise from improper posture while working, AmbiGate offers a special service to companies as part of workplace health promotion activities. According to the startup experts, sick leave in companies is reduced by an average of one quarter thanks to workplace health promotion. The investment costs for companies start at around 10 euros per employee.

The response from company employees who have used the eReha Business System as part of a workplace health testing (QA) Review is overwhelmingly positive: 93 percent of users would like to see it, and talks are already in progress with various companies.

The advantages of AmbiGate eReha for companies:

  • The health of employees is increased

  • Health training is very effective thanks to real-time monitoring

  • Companies can also use the back-up minigames for Team Building or Team Challenges

AmbiGate: Prices and composition of the e-health startup

AmbiGate received the first prize in 2015 from the Elevator Pitch BW competition sponsored by the Baden-Württemberg Ministry of Finance for the idea of ​​a 3D sensor-assisted health home therapy system. The business model creates a triple-win situation in which health insurers benefit from healthier members, physiotherapists from optimized treatment routines, and patients from healthier backs. Other awards include the IHK Gipfelstürmer Prize or the "Gründerpreis IKT innovativ" organized by the Federal Ministry for Economic Affairs and Energy and the inclusion in the EXIST funding program. The AmbiGate startup is led by bioinformatician Stephan Dabels as well as the head of development Christian Frede and business economics expert Caroline Dabels.

"As a specialist for motion-sensitive solutions, we are in the year 2018. Digitization is becoming increasingly relevant and extends through all sectors." With our products, a broad market position is foreseeable, "says AmbiGate CEO Stephan Dabels. The company looks forward to an exchange with investors who want to profit from the positive development in the e-health market. Interested people can talk about the AmbiGate website Contact AmbiGate.

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