Chinese angelica health benefits

The best known Chinese angelica known as dang gui (Chinese name) and nicknamed the ginseng of women. This herb is a tonic mainly female blood. The Chinese angelica health benefits (dang gui) is about how it regulates menstruation and restores menstrual flow, eliminates pain and menopausal symptoms. The Chinese angelica (dang gui) is a stimulant female libido and venous circulation.

Common names: Chinese angelica, ginseng women.Latin name: Angelica sinensis.Family: Family Apiaceae (Umbelliferae apiaceae).English Name: Dong quai.Chinese name: Dang gui, tang kuei.

Chinese angelica therapeutic and medicinal properties: Dong quai or dang gui (Chinese name) is a plant that favors women, as the ginseng of the woman or women, it includes many therapeutic properties, it is a tonic and a stimulant laxative and a hypotensive, an analgesic and a sedative, an anti thrombotic (anti blood clot) and a vasodilator, anti lipemic (anti lipid in the blood) and an anti inflammatory, and an anti-anemic.

This herb is a tonic for the liver and spleen, blood and uterus, stimulates hormones and female libido, venous and coronary circulation, it regulates the menstrual flow (dysmenorrhea, amenorrhea, pain, …) and reduces symptoms of menopause (hot flash, irritability, dizziness, etc.), it eliminates the spasms of the abdomen and uterus. She is all set to promote digestion and eliminate constipation, it solves abscesses.

Main constituents

The root of this plant contains the extraordinary low over fifty composed of words. The list would be too long if I lists all of you, but the best known are, essential oil and flavonoids, different vitamins and minerals , several kinds of acids, phytoestrogens, polysaccharides.

Angélique traditional virtues use Chinese: The “shennong bencao jing” is one of the oldest Chinese book it is also called “the classic of medical material Heavenly Farmer” in this therapeutic compendium there mention of this major plant and more specifically from its root to the problems of women.

That tells you how much the use of the Chinese angelica or dang gui can be traced back thousands of years and over time have not lost its use. In traditional Chinese medicine (TCM) it is classified as female tonic blood warm kind and sweet and tangy flavor, which reaches tropisms (meaning give direction) of the liver spleen and heart.

Angelica health benefits

In traditional terminology it invigorates the blood, stimulates and harmonizes it moistens the intestines, which determines a primary use of any specific gynecological problems bringing a female well-being, abdominal and urinary comfort and anti-fatigue.

Employment governs the regulation of menstruation and associated symptoms resulting menstrual disorders and menopause. It include pale skin, palpitations and dizziness, visual disturbances and brittle nails, a form of asthenia and many other again. Moreover his action targets problems of constipation, this disorder is generally a feminine disorder. The report show that it would have a therapeutic function on skin and purulent infections and boils. It restores the impaired blood flow and regulates blood pressure.

Search: Numerous studies and research on this plant have been conducted. It tenderait to approve the various therapeutic applications thereof, other trials are currently underway.

Origin: Chinese dang gui or angelica is a biennial herb of the family Apiaceae or Umbelliferae. It lives only four years and can reach two meters high. It hides underground root impressive in size containing a yellow milky sap, a superb escape shaft without wide and fleshy leaves dotted with two or three pinnate a purple green. All decorated with beautiful white flowers or pink giving way to ovoid shaped fruits somewhat flattened and winged.

This herb comes from high mountainous regions of China, it spread in other Asian countries. It prefers cool, moist places in forests and groves of up to three thousand meters of altitude. Its root contained the medicinal properties.

Chinese angelica: side effects precautions against-indications:

Good numbers of recommendations and cons-indications are made with reference Chinese angelica. It increases awareness in the sun and it is recommended to expose the least possible. But that’s not all. Not recommend during pregnancy and breastfeeding, women with uterine fibroids, breast cancer see, ovaries or uterus, the girls until puberty. And in combination with coagulants .

Chinese angelica treatment

Tonic, stimulant, laxative, hypotensive, analgesic, sedative, anti thrombotic, vasodilatory, anti lipemic, anti inflammatory, anti-anemia, liver, spleen, blood, uterine, hormones, female libido, venous and coronary circulation, menstrual flow, dysmenorrhea, amenorrhea, pain, menopausal symptoms, flushing, irritability, dizziness, spasms of the abdomen and uterus, digestion, constipation, abscess.

Chinese angelica: Dosage, dosage

No official information to date. If you have an indication of dosage you use or know, let down in the comments.

Miscellaneous: In Asia, this herb known food use as a condiment (spice) and those for over a thousand years. There have been just a few centuries back a substitute by its Japanese angelica neighbor. But controversy is always present on the same benefits of these two varieties. In fact although there is worldwide angelica varieties, they are all different in their medicinal properties.

Chinese angelica: Dosage, dosage

One Chinese tradition tells that it is appropriate to water the four corners of a home by an infusion of this plant for the sole purpose is to ward off evil spirits. There is another proposes to burn those leaves in a house to encourage joyful outlook to the inhabitants of the house.

IMPORTANT: All the information mentioned is indicative only and can not replace a specific medical advice for each person. Please consult your doctor or pharmacist before use them.