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  • Angelica health benefits — Chinese herbs and Chinese food for natural health

Angelica health benefits — Chinese herbs and Chinese food for natural health

Angelica health benefits

Chinese Angelica (Angelica sinensis) is a herbaceous plant of the family Apiaceae, used as a medicinal plant in East Asia since ancient times.

Its Chinese name is (pinyin) Danggui 当归 / 當歸. The transcript or Dong Quai Tang Kuei is also used.


The medicinal use of the angelic dates back to antiquity, since the plant is mentioned in the first book of Chinese Materia Medica, the shennong bencao jing, compiled at the beginning of our era under the Han. The root there was specified for the “women’s problems”.

The success of this drug is evidenced by mention of the 27 formulas containing the classic of Bencao pharmacology gangmu Li Shizhen (1596).


Chinese Angelica is a perennial plant from 40 to 100 cm tall, cylindrical roots extending into several branches, succulent and very aromatic.

The leaves are bi- or tri-pinnate, 10-30 cm × 12-25 cm, carried by a petiole sheathing purplish green.

Peduncles 8-20 cm, axillary umbels are umbels of 10-30 to 13-36 white flowers (sometimes pink).


It occurs in forests or in groves in altitude (2500-3000 m).

It is found in Central China (Gansu, Hubei, Shaanxi, Sichuan, Yunnan).

The essential oil of the root is formed by 45% of the Z-ligustilide and ferulic acid, n-butylidenephthalide and angélicide, ligustilide a dimer.

The non-volatile constituents are Brefeldin A, coumarins (6-methoxy – 7-hydroxycoumarin), plant sterol (β-sitosterol, stigmasterol, β-sitosterol glucoside), polysaccharides, flavonoids and vitamin A summer.

Medicinal uses

The plant is known in China as the Danggui 当归 / 當歸 and been in widespread use in traditional Chinese medicine.

Its root is used as a drug under the name Radix Angelicae Sinensis.

It has affinities with the liver and spleen.

Its indications are gynecological diseases (amenorrhea, abnormal, painful menstruation, PMS such as swollen and painful breasts, mood swings), menopausal disorders (hot flashes), fatigue, mild anemia and hypertension.

It has analgesic, anti-inflammatory, antispasmodic and sedatives.

The Danggui is the most frequently used in traditional Chinese medicine plant, even before the ginseng and licorice. As is the plant of choice for menstrual disorders of women, she was nicknamed “the gynecological panacea” .

Pharmacological studies:

The Danggui has two opposite effects on the uterus. Aqueous extracts of Radix Angelicae Sinensis administered intravenously to the dog, stimulate smooth muscle of the bladder, bowel and uterus. The active form responsible for this action is a non-volatile compound unknown.

Conversely, ligustilide, the main constituent of the essential oil (volatile) inhibits contraction of the uterus.

A clinical double-blind study, Hirata and colleagues failed to show any benefit for women receiving daily 4.5 g Danggui compared to placebo vis-à-vis the relief of hot flashes and other symptoms of menopause.

It has been shown that during infections in vitro and in vivo, ferulic acid can decrease the interleukin-8 (IL-8) mice.

Angelica health benefits source:http://www.qy6.com/syjh/showbus6388252.html