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Anhui cuisine Chinese food culture
Anhui cuisine
The Anhui cuisine , northern China province is also calledkitchen or kitchen Hui Wan. This is one of the eight major Chinese cookingschools. It comprises three main styles, from three different regions: theYangtze region, the region of the Huai and southern Anhui, which gave birth to the most famousof these three styles. It is specifically in the canton She was born the styleof southern Anhui, in the heart of a famous tourist site, the Huangshan (YellowMountains).The cuisine focuses on the choice of simple ingredients, fire,presentation and tangy and is famous for its game dishes and seafood.
Sheexcels as shao preparation techniques (cook brown sauce), men (stew) and dun(cook over low heat). The specialties are: “Chicken cooked with brownsauce Fuliji”, “Soft-shelled turtle with ham”, “mandarinfish fresh and salted”, “Ham with bamboo shoots”, “Pheasantwith bamboo shoots and salted vegetables “” Fish Milk “,”Shad smoke “, etc.
Anhui has many mountains andforests and vast uncultivated areas, from which many of the ingredients used inthe local cuisine. The kitchen Anhuiuses only local products, hence the exceptional freshness of its specialties.Most of the ingredients used by the chefs are from Anhui mountainous areas: bamboo shoots, tealeaves, pangolins, rocks frogs, mushrooms and berries. We find in the Yellow Mountainsmany ingredients that can be used in cooking, particularly of wild plants. Thekitchen Anhuiemphasizes the use of natural ingredients, making it a particularly healthycuisine. It is inspired by traditional methods and uses of the foods that arealso used for medical purposes. The use of wild plants is one of the mostnotable features of Anhuicuisine.
Anotherfeature of the cuisine of Anhuiattention to time and the cooking temperature. Depending on the quality andcharacteristics of the ingredients used and on the desired flavor is cookedover low heat, medium or hard. The expertise of the heads of Anhui for stir-fries and casseroles allowsthem to get more delicate flavors. Some specialties simmered in gravy can be abit heavy in fat compared to how they are prepared in other cooking styles.Also note: we gladly added in Anhuiham to enhance the flavor of a dish.
Anhui cuisine Representative recipes
Royal Fondue (yī pǐn Guo 一 品 锅);
Fish king fat milk (nǎi zhī fei wáng yú, 奶汁 肥 王 鱼);
Fish-shaped cluster of grapes (Pu Tao yú, 葡萄 魚);
Love Nest shrimp (Yàn cháo fèng Wei Xia, 燕巢 鳳尾 蝦);
Smoke shad (shā dīng Yan Yu wù, 沙丁鱼 烟雾);
Turtle soft shell ham (GUI bǎn ruǎn huǒ tuǐ, 龟 板 软 火腿);
Mandarin fish fresh and salted (guì yú sì jí xián shuǐ, 鳜鱼 食 水 及 咸水);
Mix fish / meat with Li Hongzhang (lǐ hóng Zhāng Zá huì, 李鴻章 雜燴);
spicy diced pork (ROU shí jǐn dīng, 什錦 肉丁);
Ham with bamboo shoots (huǒ tuǐ yǔ zhú sǔn, 火腿 与 竹笋);
Huangshan braised pigeon (huáng shān dùn gē zi, 黄山 炖 鸽子);
Smoked duck Wuwei (wú wéi Xun zhì of yā zi, 无为 熏制 的 鸭子);
Toad with cherries and slices of oranges (yīng jú há shì má, 櫻 橘 蛤 士 蟆);
Tofu Mount Bagong (bā gōng shān dòu fǔ, 八 公 山 豆腐);
Taro honey (mì zhī hóng yù, 蜜汁 紅芋).
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