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When I tell someone that I have an anti-aging blog, I often get the question what my golden anti-wrinkle tips are. A good time to put these tips in a blog for you. Read here my top 5 of the do’s and don’ts for keeping peach skin young.
Boring but true; With a healthy lifestyle you can save quite a few years. In the field of nutrition, this means first of all that you ensure that you get enough vitamins and minerals. For example, did you know that you need enough vitamin C to stimulate collagen production? And that vitamin A (found in carrots and liver, for example) is also indispensable for this? You also need sufficient proteins (for example from beans, eggs, chicken, seaweed) to maintain collagen production. On the other hand, sugar ensures that your collagen is broken down and also that your skin hardens. The same applies to fast carbohydrates (eg bread, pasta and potatoes) and alcohol. Also hard baked products (such as fries, biscuits, but also fried meat) do your skin no good. During the baking process, so-called “AGES” are released, which cause premature skin aging (I will devote a separate blog to this shortly). So don’t take too much of it, if you appreciate a silky smooth and tight skin.
I keep repeating my favorite mantra: especially use cosmeceuticals for your face. These are products that really do something for your skin. So please do not select your product based on a nice lubricant / smell / nice packaging / nice saleswoman. The product just has to really work and the rest is secondary. Then you automatically come to the cosmeceuticals, which are full of active ingredients and act on the deeper layers in the skin. Make sure you in any case use a cosmeceutical with Vitamin A, because it has been scientifically proven that it reduces wrinkles. But don’t forget Vitamin C and Niacinamide in your daily lubrication session. They help you with collagen production, moisture balance and combat the aging effect of free radicals.
Sun & radiation
Another collagen killer: our beloved sun. Wonderful, of course, to aim your toes at the sun-drenched sky. But be aware that this will play into the hands of wrinkles. No less than 80% of premature skin aging is caused by the sun! For this reason I have not been going in the sun with my face in the sun for 5 years now (but with my body, because the sun certainly also has good side effects). Furthermore, I really never leave the house without sunscreen, even if it is cloudy or if it rains. Even on sunny days, your skin suffers from radiation. By the way, don’t think that your skin is safe indoors, because there too there is all kinds of radiation (for example from your computer or smartphone) that cheerfully promotes aging. And UV-A just comes in through the windows. So also lubricate indoors!
Supplements are an extension of a good diet. Unfortunately, you cannot get all the necessary substances with only healthy food. For example, we do not get enough vitamin K2 with our Western diet. While it helps your skin against calcification (read: k2 keeps your skin supple). It also keeps your bones strong so that things remain nicely tensioned. That is why K2 supplements are indispensable. In addition to vitamin K2, vitamin D3 (in winter), fish oil, vitamin E and vitamin C are also highly recommended for slowing down wrinkles. I take all these supplements daily.
strong muscles
As you get older, your hormone levels drop. Also, for example, testosterone, which ensures a firm skin. If you now ensure that you do strength training regularly, your testosterone level will automatically increase. The result is a fuller skin. And not only that: muscles use more energy than fat in your body. This burns more calories. Ideal also to get that hourglass figure (back)! Furthermore, sport promotes blood circulation in your skin. This allows waste to be removed extra, which benefits the quality of your skin.
Do you like to read more about anti-aging? Then take a look at the “anti-aging” section. Also keep an eye on this blog. No less than 3 times a week, fun, new articles appear on Forever39.nl about anti-aging, lifestyle and weight loss. You might also like the following articles:
Katja Schuurman’s beauty secrets
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