Apple Watch can detect cardiac arrhythmia


The interest of smart health connected objects for medical monitoring is more and more obvious and all the biggest companies in the market, from Google to Apple are going for their innovation. However, the reliability of these new measures remains disputed, especially that of cardio optical sensors.

More and more prevalent on smart health connected watches, the reliability of this heart rate measurement technology with light reflection is often contested, especially during a high-intensity effort.

This is the subject of a study conducted by the University of California in collaboration with the application cardiogram. Covering 6,158 participants, the goal was to how effectively the Apple Watch could detect atrial fibrillation (or cardiac arrhythmia), responsible for 1 out of 4 cardiac arrest and difficult for doctors to identify.

At this little game, the watch to the apple coupled with an artificial intelligence was able to detect 97% of the cases, which is a great source of hope for wearables' ability to detect health risks.

"The most promising discovery of our study is proof that consumer-smart health connected objects can be used to detect diseases. The future is bright and some tracks are particularly interesting. " Avesh Singh, Cardiogram developer
