Are Air Purifiers Really Effective?

Everyone knows that the air we breathe is polluted. And this is even more the case inside than outside (to learn more about this public health problem, do not hesitate to read this article). item on indoor air pollution at the WHO site). Indeed, it is not because we think we are protected between 4 walls that we are, on the contrary, since between household products (not always organic), the different components of our furniture (solvents, glue and other chemicals), paint, air fresheners, scented candles, etc., not to mention the smoke given off by cooking foods, and of course cigarette smoke (not everyone, of course, but if so), harmful fine particles easily accumulate.

Fortunately, there are solutions to limit this phenomenon, such as using products that are as natural as possible, ventilating all the rooms as much as possible, etc., and one of them is the air purifier. You may have heard of it before, or even seen one in action, and wondered if this type of device works? Well we are going to answer this question together, through several others.

 First of all, what does it need to filter in our indoor air? 

As we said just above, indoor pollution comes from different sources. We are not going to make an exhaustive list of them, but we can classify them according to 3 main categories: of biological nature (pollen, molds, bacteria, etc.), of physical nature (cooking of food, asbestos, incense, etc.) , and chemical in nature (decorative items, construction materials, cleaning products, etc.).

As you can see, that in fact, things to eliminate from its interior in order to be able to breathe clean air (or at least as much as possible).

 Are there people for whom an air purifier is essential? 

Some people who are allergic (whether to pollen, dust mites, animal hair, etc.) and / or asthmatics, who are particularly sensitive, undoubtedly have an immediate interest in seeing their air depolluted and purified, because they feel respiratory discomfort. , having itchy eyes, continuous sneezing and other side effects is obviously anything but pleasant.

However, and insofar as, in itself, breathing healthy air is necessarily good for everyone, air purifiers also find their use in people who are less “fragile”.

As for saying that these machines are essential, no, but they can only be beneficial for our health and therefore our well-being.

 Is an air purifier effective in all rooms? 

Air purifiers come in different formats (and prices, of course). It is therefore necessary to adapt the size and capacity of the machine to the surface of the room in which you want it to do its job. Obviously, a small device will not be very effective in a large room. Likewise, a large item in a small space, while competent, will probably have a sound level too high.

Be careful, however, often there is a difference between the capacities displayed by the manufacturer and those which are actually attested in reality. Do not hesitate to read opinions on the internet, to learn around you and to rely on certain buying guides.

FOR FURTHER Read our comparative guide to the best air purifiers

 How does the filtration system of air purifiers work? 

The operation of an air purifier is quite simple: the machine sucks the air, passes it through various filters in order to get rid of a maximum of polluting particles, then releases it once cleaned.

There are 3 types of household air purifiers: with HEPA filter (for High Efficiency Particulate Air – High Efficiency for Aerial Particles), whose very tight mesh is capable of retaining all kinds of small particles, some of which are really very fine (up to 0.3 micrometers), and whose average efficiency rate is displayed is 99.97% (or 99.98%, depending on the manufacturer), with activated carbon filter, which contains either beads or activated carbon powder (chemical depolluting agent capable of absorbing both pollutants and bad odors), and by ionization (such a purifier is also called a ionizer), which emits negative ions which will neutralize the polluting compounds of the particles in suspension, charged, them, positively, and make them fall.

Also, be aware that most air purifiers sold today also contain a pre-filter, which improves the skills of the machines.

Some filters are washable with water and therefore reusable, while others are disposable. Of course, concerning the former, the more they are washed, the more they lose in efficiency. Likewise, as the particles remain trapped in the filters, it is advisable to change them regularly if we want the item to operate at its full potential. The idea, to know when to do it, is to take into account the duration of daily use of the air purifier as well as the degree of pollution of your interior.

Now let’s take a look at filtered particles. They are measured in micrometers (also called microns), or in millionths of a meter. Respirable particles most often have a diameter that is less than 10 micrometers (this is the case with cigarette smoke, for example). Those that are not breathable, like pollen, have a diameter that can go up to 50 or 100 micrometers. The larger particles usually attach themselves to the ground and various surfaces, and therefore do not remain in the air.

 What does an air purifier’s effectiveness really depend on? 

Several criteria need to be met in order to guarantee a minimum of efficiency to the device, as follows:

  • as seen previously, the quality, and especially the condition of the filter: if it is clogged, the automatic mode of the machine will increase its operating speed, at the risk of causing overconsumption of energy as well as an increase in the noise emitted by the purifier; some models warn you when the filter (s) need to be changed, or even get blocked;

  • automatic mode: thanks to this mode, the device alone detects the level of air pollution and adapts its operating speed; you should know that for the air purifier to be able to do this correctly, it must have precise sensors and have the appropriate perimeter of action; it is more feasible with the more expensive devices;

  • and finally, the air flow: the CADR (Clean Air Delivery Rate – volume of purified air that the machine is capable of delivering) must obviously be adapted to the surface of the part to be treated; it is sometimes necessary to equip yourself with several purifiers at the same time.

 Have the effectiveness of air purifiers been scientifically proven? 

Few studies have been done on the impact of air purifiers on indoor air quality. While HEPA filters can actually be attributed to an efficiency of 99.7 to 99.8% against particles measuring less than one micrometer, devices equipped with the ionization system would show a rate of 100 % on pollen and 80% on microparticles.

The majority of air purifiers are certified by the AHMA (Association of health home Appliance Manufacturers), which is an American organization that regularly performs independent tests on air purifiers, tests that allow them to be compared with each other, depending on the volume of air they can treat as well as their flow of purified air (those are two different things). The efficiency indicator is measured against dust, pollen and smoke. In principle, the data collected is found on the packaging of each item.

You should also know that certain types of purifiers (ionizers) can sometimes release ozone (gas present in the upper atmosphere and at ground level, which can be good or bad depending on its location) during operation, and that the rate tends to increase when the filters lack maintenance. Although in principle the concentrations found in our homes are low and below the standards in force, no independent study has yet been carried out on this subject.

 How to increase the efficiency of air purifiers? 

In addition to the good maintenance of the machine and its good adaptation to the surface of the workpiece, it is possible to enhance the purification of the air, not by making modifications to the purifier itself, but by combining its use with d ‘other devices, such as vacuum cleaners equipped with the HEPA filtration system, which, unlike conventional vacuum cleaners, suck up fine particles instead of blowing them into the ambient air. It is also advisable to vacuum often, in general, but especially in case of the presence of mold, while waiting for the problem to be resolved.


Relying on an air purifier to improve your health may not be the solution in itself. This device can do no harm, that’s for sure, but it remains a complement and not an answer to the various problems (of insulation, for example, and therefore of humidity, etc.) of your health home.

Also, it is important to take care to maintain it well (in particular, as we said above, by changing the filters regularly – for models that have them).

The idea is to take the problems at the source in parallel. Airing all the rooms daily is essential, but removing dust as often as possible, smoke (both from cigarettes, for smokers) and from that given off by cooking food) are small gestures that can go a long way. difference.