Are you ready to take a vacation with your boyfriend?

Ladies, if you’ve been in a steady relationship for a while now, and even though things are going well, you can’t help but wonder…what next?!

Maybe a vacation with your SO is just what you need to take it to the next level. Now, holidays are all about relaxation and letting go, but when you travel with your partner, it serves a much bigger purpose.

If this is your first vacation together, this trip will strongly contribute to the very foundation of your relationship. So you have to do everything in your power to make sure it’s nothing less than perfect. You might wonder if a vacation with your boyfriend is a good idea, especially so early in your relationship. Well, we not only suggest it, we insist on it.

Spending quality time together, away from your everyday life, will not only bring you two closer, but also give you the opportunity to learn about each other’s habits and complex qualities that might not be so obvious when you go out. simply. for dinner or a movie. A trip together not only strengthens your bond, but it also highlights all the red flags you should be aware of before you invest too much.

Before you go on vacation with your boyfriend, here are some things to keep in mind…

  • 1. Plan fun activities together – something you’ve never done

  • 3. Choose a destination you would both like to visit.

  • 5. Also try to spend time alone…it’s important!

  • 7. This is the ultimate test of your comfort level with each other…so be prepared.

1. Plan fun activities together – something you’ve never done

1. Plan fun activities together - something you've never done

No matter how good a conversationalist you are, there is always a risk of running out of topics to talk about. So play it safe by having an approximate route. We’re not saying to schedule things on time, refrain from being the control freak with a checklist. But plan fun activities together to make the trip memorable. It could be a romantic walk through town, a nice quiet swim, adventure sports if you’re both adrenaline junkies, or maybe just stay home, call room service and watch. a movie together. The idea is to bring back beautiful memories…. doesn’t really matter how or where you do it.

2. Make sure the trip is not too short but not too long either

If this is your first trip together, you need to make sure you have enough days to get to know each other well…or what’s the point. However, make sure it’s not too long a trip either, as you run the risk of running out of things to do and talk. And you just don’t want that trip to become a boring chore. Three to five days is usually an ideal vacation for beginners.

3. Choose a destination you would both like to visit.

3. Choose a destination you would both like to visit.

If you have conflicting interests, there may be friction when deciding where to go. But remember that every relationship requires some compromise, so find common ground and pick a place you’d both be happy to visit. Also try to pick a place neither of you has been before, so you can both explore it together.

4. Make spontaneous romantic gestures

Now, we’re not asking you to bend your knee and put a ring on it. It will just send your partner running for the hills. We take cute little gestures like romantic dinners, we buy little gifts or maybe just a picnic on the beach with wine and pizza. These little keepsakes are sure to bring the two of you closer together and move your budding relationship forward.

5. Also try to spend time alone…it’s important!

5. Also try to spend time alone…it's important!

We’re not saying spend a whole day apart (especially if it’s just a short getaway); that would kill the whole purpose of the trip. All we’re saying is that after spending quite a bit of time together, you and your partner might need some alone time to recharge your batteries and collect your thoughts. So take a few hours…go for a walk in the morning while your partner sleeps or read a book by the pool while they hit the gym. We promise you will come back much happier and with new found energy to spend the rest of the day together.

6. Beware of those annoying habits – his and yours!

While a vacation with your SO is going to bring you closer emotionally, it’s also going to reveal those little bad habits you’ve been hiding until now. When you live with someone, you no longer act like you own the place…you also have to be mindful of your partner’s comfort. A classic example of this would be cleanliness. You just can’t throw your things away and leave the room a mess. You have to be organized! Also, remember to pack light…only pack what you need. Don’t create a situation where your partner has to end up carrying half your luggage. Although he may be courteous enough to offer, you have to remember that he is your boyfriend…not your Groom!

7. This is the ultimate test of your comfort level with each other…so be prepared.

7. This is the ultimate test of your comfort level with each other…so be prepared.

Living together means letting your partner see the real you – the way you eat, sleep, breathe…everything! If you snore at night, he will know it, if you snore while laughing, he will notice it. The biggest challenge for girls is sharing the bathroom… it can be weird peeing or doing your business knowing your boyfriend is sitting there and can probably hear you. But that’s what the real test is… you’re both adults and you have to be comfortable enough with each other to work through those little insecurities.

8. Get away from your phone

This is the cardinal rule of taking a trip with your SO. The idea of ​​this trip is to get away from the rest of the world and spend time together. Although it can be tempting to check social media once in a while, try to refrain from it. And if you’re just too addicted to cellphones, try involving your partner while scrolling through your Insta feed… you might stumble upon an interesting topic of conversation.

So go ahead and enjoy your time with your SO. Remember to keep your mind and eyes open so that while you explore this new experience, you don’t miss those red flags either, if any.

Picture credits: Pinterest, Giphy

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