Artificial skin to recreate the feeling of touch

Another new step for research. Researchers at Stanford University in California unveiled their work in the journal Science on artificial skin capable of recreating the sensation of touch in people wearing a prosthesis.

After a prosthesis capable of rendering the sense of touch, it is the turn of artificial skin to see the light of day. Still in the development stage, this technology should be used on prostheses to improve them and provide amputees with the opportunity to maintain their sense of touch.

Conclusive tests

To reproduce the flexibility and elasticity of the skin, the researchers used flexible organic circuits and pressure sensors, essential for recreating patient sensitivity. The first laboratory tests were rather conclusive, the research team successfully transmitted sensory signals to mouse brain cells.

For this, she used both3D printing, as well as optogenetics, a new area of ​​research that makes neurons sensitive to light to stimulate a particular cell type without affecting others.

If at the moment the tests were only carried out on laboratory mice, the researchers would be, according to Le Figaro, ready to Review this new technology on humans by fitting prostheses with hands or fingers with their artificial skin.
