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- Asip Santé officially becomes the Digital Health Agency
Asip Santé officially becomes the Digital Health Agency
Announced by the Minister of Solidarity and Health, Agnès Buzyn, on April 25 during the presentation of the digital health roadmap, the transformation of the Agency for Shared Health Information Systems (Asip Santé) into The Digital Health Agency (ANS) should make it possible to "strengthen governance in health", we recall.
"The object of the ANS is to create the conditions for the development of information systems (IS), services or digital tools used in the context of health care and social and medico-social monitoring of users of the health, for the coordination of the actions of professionals contributing to it, as well as for telehealth, research, screening and prevention, health monitoring and alert ", specifies the text.
"Its actions are carried out for the benefit of users of the health system and professionals, natural or legal persons, as well as people exercising under their authority", thus, the ANS has the following missions:
create the conditions for the development and regulation of digital health
allow professionals and users to benefit from innovation and digital mutations
assist public authorities in the conduct of digital projects of national interest.
In continuation of the missions exercised by Asip Santé, the ANS sets up evaluation and certification procedures, in order to ensure compliance with the rules defined at the national level of urbanization, interoperability, security and ethics of IS.
"The agency can sign any contract necessary for the accomplishment of its missions (to experiment or to make experiment any component, functioning process, product, service or modality of use, to participate in groups of economic or public interest falling within its object , support public and private initiatives contributing to its object, etc.) ", also indicates the decree published in the Official Journal.
The new agency can thus allocate funding "under the conditions fixed by decree of the Minister of Health and the Minister of the Budget" to public or private actors and make available, "free of charge or for a fee", any product, service , repository, document, software component for the benefit of health actors.
National, the ANS can, nevertheless, be entrusted by its members with missions to represent France within the framework of European projects relating to digital health. It can also conduct cooperative actions with foreign partners.
Placed under the authority of the digital health delegation (DNS) led by Dominique Pon and Laura Létourneau, respectively appointed ministerial delegate and manager within the new delegation which replaces the delegation to information systems strategy (DSSIS) , the ANS is chaired by Dr Jacques Lucas, former first vice-president and general digital delegate of the National Council of the Order of Physicians (Cnom) and directed by Annie Prévot, former deputy general director of the Caisse nationale des family allowances (Cnaf) responsible for information systems.
The ANS also has a board of directors and a general assembly (GA).
The GA of the new agency has 7 members, each with one vote:
the State, represented by the digital health service with 4 votes
the National Health Insurance Fund (Cnam) with 2 votes
the National Solidarity Fund for Autonomy (CNSA) with 1 vote.
Two representatives of agency staff from among the elected representatives, the economic and financial controller, and the group's public accountant attend the GA meetings in an advisory capacity.
The president of the ANS participates in a consultative voice in the GA and he can invite any representative of the ministry in charge of health and any qualified external personality to participate, in a consultative capacity, in the meetings.
The general assembly deliberates on:
annual orientations
any measure relating to real estate leases and contracts, as well as the acquisition, disposal or exchange of buildings
the decision to transfer the agency's headquarters
acceptance of donations and legacies
the amount of the compensation of the president of the grouping
the amount of the members' contribution
modification of the constitutive agreement
transforming the group into another structure
the dissolution of the group, and takes any measure relating to its liquidation or the devolution of its assets.
Regarding the board of directors, it is made up of representatives of the members and of the president of the group which chairs it.
It is called upon to deliberate on:
the appointment of the director and, after hearing him, the end of his functions
the activity report
the Rules
the multi-year contract of objectives negotiated with the State
the purchasing policy describing the agency's objectives in terms of competition, optimization of need and economic performance, as well as an annual review of past contracts
the initial and amending budget, the financial account and the allocation of the result
participation or association with other entities whose missions complement those of the ANS
the transaction or the legal action above a threshold and according to methods defined by the internal regulations
the admission or withdrawal of a member.
For a decision to be adopted, a quorum must be reached, the number of votes of the representatives is thus fixed:
the State, represented by the department responsible for digital health, has 4 votes
the Cnam has 2 votes
CNSA has 1 vote
the president of the GIP has 1 vote.
"The decisions of the board of directors are taken by a majority of the votes of the members present or represented. In the event of a tie, the voice of the president of the group is decisive," said the text.