Asparagus beef food-Chinese healthy recipe for November 15

Asparagus beef food

Asparagus beef food

Theassortment of meat and vegetables is nutritious.


6asparagus 350 g ground beef 15 g corn 1/4 carrot Seasoning

1slice ginger

1 scallion

¼ cup black pepper

½ cup salt

1 cup sugar

¼ cup white pepper

¼ cup Sichuanpepper

1 c. tsp sunflower oil

1 tsp. tea liquid starch 1

10 minutes

Asparagus beef food steps:


1.Chop the ginger, spring onion, maize. Wash and chop the carrot.


2.Place in a large bowl the chopped ingredients and ground beef, then add theblack pepper, white pepper, the Sichuanpepper, salt and sugar, stir well and mix. Finally, add a little sunflower oiland mix well.


3.Remove the old roots of asparagus and peel. Then cut the asparagus in half.


4.Coat the asparagus beef stuffing.

Step5 of

5.Boil water in the steamer, put the asparagus and steam over high heat for 8minutes.


6.After 8 minutes, pour the broth of the dish in a wok. Boil the broth medium andlow heat then add the liquid starch to thicken. Finally, pour the broth overthe cooked asparagus made. Pour it up.


1.The amount of corn and carrots do not spend half of all ingredients. You canadd mushrooms scented, black mushrooms or other ingredients in the stuffingbeef preference.

2.To coat the asparagus beef stuffing, you can add starch or egg whites and mixwell.

3.Do not add soy sauce.

Step 1

1. Chop the ginger, spring onion, maize. Wash and chop the carrot.

Step 2

2. Place in a large bowl the chopped ingredients and ground beef, then add the black pepper, white pepper, the Sichuan pepper, salt and sugar, stir well and mix. Finally, add a little sunflower oil and mix well.

Step 3

3. Remove the old roots of asparagus and peel. Then cut the asparagus in half.

Step 4

4. Coat the asparagus beef stuffing.

Step 5 of

5. Boil water in the steamer, put the asparagus and steam over high heat for 8 minutes.

Step 6

6. After 8 minutes, pour the broth of the dish in a wok. Boil the broth medium and low heat then add the liquid starch to thicken. Finally, pour the broth over the cooked asparagus made. Pour it up.


1. The amount of corn and carrots do not spend half of all ingredients. You can add mushrooms scented, black mushrooms or other ingredients in the stuffing beef preference.

2. To coat the asparagus beef stuffing, you can add starch or egg whites and mix well.

3. Do not add soy sauce.