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  • You are the average of the 5 people you spend the most time with.

You are the average of the 5 people you spend the most time with.

You are the average of the 5 people you spend the most time with.. It's like that. It is a fact. Whether you want it or not. You may be convinced that this does not concern you. I too believed it. Only, it's the truth, whether you accept it or not.

Tell me who your friends are and I'll tell you who you are.

Look at the 5 people closest to you. If it's millionaires, you're probably a millionaire. If they're bums, you're probably a bum. If they're good-for-nothing, you're probably good-for-nothing. If they're stressed people, you're probably stressed.

Based on this observation, if you want to improve your life quickly, one of the most effective ways to do this is to change your environment, and that includes the people around you.

There is no secret, if you want to achieve a goal in life, surround yourself with people who will support you towards this goal. Do you want to get into sports? It's going to be very hard if all your friends are spending their time on their sofa watching Netflix. Want to smile more often and feel happier? Difficult surrounded by people who pull the face all day long.

get rid of toxic people

If someone around you doesn't push you up, they pull you down. There is no neutrality. Life is too short to waste time with people who don't support you in your projects.

Whether friends, colleagues, or even family, nothing justifies tolerating toxic people in your entourage. The price is too much to pay. What do I mean by toxic people? People :

  • Lazy, unmotivated.

  • Negatives, who always see evil everywhere and brood.

  • Who constantly put you down and make fun of you. Not just harmless teasing between friends, I'm talking about real contempt.

  • Sarcastic, who have seen everything, experienced everything, who know everything.

  • who don't believe in you.

  • Who always bring all the problems back to them.

  • Who complain all the time.

You don't have time to deal with these people. You have to take care of yourself. Instead, surround yourself with positive people. Those who move forward, who challenge you, who push you to go further, to surpass yourself, who believe in you and that anything is possible. Those who fight, who are motivated, who smile at life and bite into it. These are the people you need to surround yourself with.

Do not stay where your presence is barely tolerated. Go where you are celebrated, to the people who are happy to have you by their side.

One bad ingredient can ruin the whole cake. Conversely, a good seed planted in the right fertile soil can create a large, magnificent tree. We humans are no different.

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