Baidu Kuaisou, smart health connected Chinese chopsticks

Baidu, the Chinese google, has taken into account the many food scandals that have shaken their country to develop smart wands, Baidu Kuaisou, capable of testing the quality of the food they touch. An Asian version of what can be found elsewhere in the world when it comes to food freshness testing.

Baidu Kuaisou, smart health connected Chinese chopsticks

Equipped with internal sensors, these chopsticks Review each food that you are about to ingest to tell you in real time if its quality allows its absorption.

For Baidu CEO, this product represents “a new way to become aware of the world”. For us, it is a device that allows Review oil, water, temperature and pH level, while providing the nutritional information food.

These rods can for example indicate if the frying oil was new, used or totally good for the trash. They can also determine the presence of acids sweet in our glass. Finally, they indicate the sweetness, variety and provenance of our fruit (in China of course) with supposedly extreme precision.

How these rods work

The chopsticks work using an application for smartphone or computer. when toxic is identified in the food tested, a alert sounds in the application and diodes inlaid in the chopsticks light red.

This second version is currently tested in the form of prototypes, no marketing date is not yet planned. Ultimately, it is envisaged that the rods will also indicate the number of calories and fat content of the meal.

Besides the fact that our culture generally requires us to use knives, forks, spoons, many questions are raised by these chopsticks. How many times a day will we have to wash our chopsticks if we Review each glass of water, milk, fruit juice drunk … But above all, who will be strong enough to plant his chopsticks in an apple? Will the chopsticks also resist shock? Finally, when you eat maki, your devoted editor, without being an expert in the baguette, only touches the seaweed leaf when she consumes it, therefore, how should it be done, plant the baguette in the heart of the maki before tasting it?

