Become a demographer: training, job openings, salary …

Specialist in the study of populations, the demographer is a follower of statistics, figures but also of the social sciences. Through surveys and analyzes, he seeks to understand and anticipate the evolution of populations. Ready for new challenges?

The demographer is a specialist in statistics, responsible for analyzing and studying populations in order to understand their development and their needs. Whether through surveys, censuses or even statistical analyzes, the demographer seeks to understand certain demographic phenomena such as population renewal, the constitution or the population displacement, by studying different data (birth rate, mortality, migrations, socio-professional category …).

Working on behalf of research organizations or private companies, the demographer can also carry out studies in order to anticipate certain needs such as the creation of a school in the event of a high birth rate, for example in a given territory. The demographer is brought to work in collaboration with many other professionals such as geographers, economists or even sociologists. He also participates in the drafting of numerous studies and reports.

The main skills and qualities to have

The demographer is versatile. He must :

  • master statistics, mathematics and computer science;

  • control software and statistical tools;

  • be methodical and rigorous;

  • enjoy teamwork;

  • have writing skills;

  • know how to synthesize and interpret survey results;

  • be curious and patient;

  • have a critical mind;

  • master English.


Working conditions

Demographers work mainly in the office. They may work for certain studies with other professionals from social science or travel to the field in the context of censuses. They can also attend international conferences or symposia.

How to become a demographer?

A bac + 5 or even a bac + 8 is required to practice the profession of demographer:

  • Bachelor of Social Sciences, Demography course;

  • Applied Mathematics and Social Sciences (MASS);

  • Professional Master Expert demographer;

  • Research Master in Population Dynamics;

  • Master in Mathematics and Computer Science Applied to Human and Social Sciences (MIASHS);

  • Doctorate in demography;

  • Specialized schools: EHESS, ENSAE Paris-Tech, ENSAI, ISUP.

The salary of a demographer

The salary of a beginner demographer is between 2000 and 2500 euros gross per month approximately. His salary will vary depending on whether he practices in the public sector, with a salary set by salary scales or in the private sector. After several years of experience, his remuneration could be between 3600 and 4000 euros gross monthly.

Evolution prospects of a demographer

A demographer can progress to a university teaching position, team or service manager or even specialize in a specific field.

Companies that employ demographers

  • insurance companies ;

  • research organizations (INED, INSEE, CNRS, IRD);

  • ministry;

  • general or regional councils;

  • universities.

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