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  • Become a paleontologist: training, job openings, salary …

Become a paleontologist: training, job openings, salary …

Have you already decided to call your future children Lucy and Toumaï? Do you also have your T-Rex model in a closet and saw yourself as a hero of Jurassic Park? No doubt, the job of paleontologist is for you! Quickly dig up this job sheet to find out everything.

The paleontologist is a scientist in charge of studying the past in order to reconstruct the biological evolution of living things. For this, he takes part in excavations and takes samples of organisms fossils (animals or plants) which he then studies and analyzes in the laboratory. These samples can be extracted from fragments of sediment or rocks, allow the paleontologist to better understand the history of the ancient cash or the various climatic periods … It analyzes bones and other fossils (wildlife or fossilized flora for example) in order to extract multiple information which it will have to sort, describe and classify.

Thanks to new technologies and in particular to 3D modeling, the paleontologist can "revive" the past by making reconstructions. The paleontologist then shares his discoveries through teaching, writing scientific articles or even by participating in international conferences. paleontology is exercised through many specialties. There is indeed the paleobotany, the paleozoology, paleoclimatology, paleoecology or even paleoanthropology, who studies prehistoric men.

The main skills and qualities to have

The paleontologist is both a scientist and a historian. His skills are multiple:

  • master several areas of knowledge such asanatomy, the geology, the chemistry organic, biology and of course history;

  • be able to set up and monitoring research projects;

  • have a good condition physical ;

  • speak English ;

  • have writing skills;

  • be patient and rigorous in their work;

  • know how to be meticulous.

Working conditions

Paleontology is an outdoor activity. The paleontologist must therefore be mobile and in good physical condition to reach the excavation areas. Skilled with his hands, the paleontologist must also be careful when handling the fossil. Once in his laboratory, the scientist analyzes the samples carried out in the field, lists them, describes them and writes scientific articles in English in order to share his knowledge and discoveries with his colleagues around the world. You have to love and know how to work in a team.

How to become a paleontologist?

The profession of paleontologist is generally exercised after obtaining a bac + 8:

  • bac S;

  • Bachelor in Biology, Geology or Life Sciences and Earth ;

  • master in Paleontology;

  • doctorate in Paleontology.

The salary of a paleontologist

A thesard paleontologist is paid between 1,300 and 1,600 euros per month. A beginner earns around 1,900 euros gross per month. If he works for the public service, his salary will change according to the internal salary scales of the establishment.

The evolutionary perspectives of a paleontologist

Most paleontologists are also teacher-researchers. After several years of experience, he can claim a position as research director in order to organize research work and manage a team.

Companies that employ paleontologists

  • CNRS;

  • Natural history museum;

  • local communities;

  • universities;

  • oil companies.

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