Beddr unveils its new smart health connected patch


The new Beddr SleepTuner is not worn on the wrist but on the forehead. It is about the size of a postage stamp and weighs almost nothing.

The Beddr SleepTuner has a 3-axis accelerometer and optical sensors that can detect your heart rate, oxygen level in the blood; as well as your breathing, your sleeping position, your movements and your awakenings.

SleepTuner Beddr unveils its new connected patch

The company claims that all this data is stored securely in Beddr Cloud; until they can synchronize with your phone via Bluetooth. The app will help you to establish your follow-up night after night; and some settings will also help you calibrate your sleep over the course of a week.

Once you've done this, he can show you trends regarding the quality of your sleep and also suggest improvements.

The SleepTuner sticks to your forehead via a hypoallergenic disposable adhesive. It is supposed to last several nights and 12 adhesives are provided with. Sticking the SleepTuner on your forehead may sound strange, but there are three reasons for this. According to Beddr CEO and co-founder Mike Kisch, it's more comfortable than the wrist handles. It is also the best place to detect SpO2 as the wrist and it is a better place to track the sleeping position. Finally, it is ideal for detecting breathing problems during sleep. "Apnea is very dependent on the position," he says. "People who sleep on their side have an average of 50% fewer breathing stops."

SleepTuner Beddr unveils its new connected patch

According to Beddr, a study conducted by the Hypoxia laboratory at the University of California in San Francisco revealed that the detection of SpO2 by its patch had a margin of error of +/- 2.2%. This corresponds to the margin of error allowed by the FDA of +/- 3.5%.

Speaking of the FDA, the SleepTuner is not approved by the FDA, but it is registered by the FDA. According to Kisch, the FDA has become more lenient and allows companies to market their health products faster without their approval; provided you accsszpp surprise inspections. "It means we do not need to get their approval. We simply need to provide all the information needed for approval if they want to inspect our product or inspect the production line, "he said. said.

In the first or second quarter of 2019, Beddr plans to use the SleepTuner as a health home sleep Review diagnostic. The company still has a lot of work to do, especially with the FDA but its CEO says the ultimate goal is to turn the SleepTuner into a sleep Review at health home. If you are interested, the SleepTuner is available for 149 dollars.
