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  • Benoît Lecomte will swim through 500 km of trash to save the planet

Benoît Lecomte will swim through 500 km of trash to save the planet


With his smart health connected expedition, the French activist Benoît Lecomte will swim through the North Pacific waste vortex from June 8th.

This small dive of nearly 500 km will allow him to collect data on this clump of plastic and help scientists to fight against it.

Plastic everywhere in the oceans

The North Pacific Waste Vortex is an accumulation of plastic floating on the ocean surface between Hawaii and California. It covers more than 1.6 million km2, three times the size of France.

In total, there are five of these vortices in the world: two in the Pacific, two in the Atlantic and one in the Indian Ocean. And they will not disappear any time soon since 1.15 million to 2.41 million tons of plastics reach the oceans each year. Lighter than water, half of them feed the vortex directly.

An expedition to study these phenomena

With this experience baptized "Vortex Swim"Benoît Lecomte wants to raise public awareness of this problem. He also wants to contribute to the study of these vortices. Last year, he tried to swim from Tokyo to San Francisco. An unsuccessful attempt because of the sea winds that mistreated his support boat.

Better prepared, the activist will always be accompanied by a team of scientists who will follow him from a boat. Every day they will take samples for detect the presence of microfibers, invisible to the naked eye, in the water. They will also pose tracers on the largest debris to follow their movements. The expedition will also be an opportunity tostudy the behavior of wild animals in the face of this pollution.

Benoît Lecomte will use this connected combination to swim in the North Pacific plastic waste vortex

Benoît Lecomte, a smart health connected activist

Throughout the adventure, his companions can monitor Benoît Lecomte's heartbeat. They will use a electrocardiograph Waterproof holter (the smallest reusable) placed on his suit. His suit will also incorporate a cesium collector RadBand. It filters the water to collect the radium. The scientists who accompany him will then keep these samples to study them once on the ground. Technologies much more advanced than what is usually found on smart health connected sailors.

Her small support boat will also have a GPS to be able to be followed in real time. The scientific team will sail on a second boat. She will record the adventure with surveillance cameras and 360 ° cameras. To follow the progress of the expedition on its website or its accounts Facebook, Instagram and Twitter.

Benoît Lecomte stresses that all the pollution that pushed him to make this expedition is not the result of one person, but of all of us. Let's hope that his gesture will change mentalities.

