between tradition and modernity – e-health innovation


After our Estonian chronicle and the experience of Mrs. Kadi Metsandi, Economic Affairs Advisor of the Embassy of Estonia in France narrated in our post Estonian Chronicle – Introduction

Complemented by our decryption of this modern Estonia. A big thank you Marion for this new section on this Estonian column.

Estonian Chronicle Chapter II

Now here are the (digital) travel impressions of Marion soler on this state, model for the whole planet !!

E-stonia: between tradition and modernity

Estonia: a destination with the support of digital enthusiasts as well as the surprise of globetrotters. When I went to Estonia for the World Congress of the Junior International Chamber (JCI), I was as enthusiastic as I was mixed about the experience of my trip.

In reality, the Estonian capital, Tallinn, surprises with its magnificent old city frozen in time and its buildings in Time Square.

It does not appear on the first tram ride that Estonia is that digital place that has been described in Europe and around the world. And that’s surely his great strength! No humanoids in supermarkets, no autonomous cars or street lights smart health connected in the streets. The only thing that seemed unusual to me was the availability of free wifi and no login / password registration in every place I went, public or private.

In reality, after a visit to the e-estonian briefing center, we realize that technology is everywhere, and at the service of the citizen.

The more the explanations of our guide advanced the more the force and the integration of digital was powerful. Indeed, the right to the Internet is a social right in Estonia and thus 90% of Estonian households are covered by broadband and each citizen has an electronic identity.

In addition, 99% of Estonian public services are made online via the X-Road data exchange platform. Over 700 million digital signatures were provided in Estonia and more than 46.7% of Estonian voters used the online sales platform during the elections to the European Parliament.

These impressive figures are made even more so by putting the resulting uses into perspective. In the health sector, all data from hospitals and doctors since 2008 have been digitized and made available on a dedicated platform. In addition, the e-Prescription system is used in 99% of cases and makes it possible to issue and manage digital medical prescriptions. Finally, the e-Ambulance solution is a quick response solution that can detect and locate the emergency call within 30 seconds and quickly send an ambulance to the desired location.

Before leaving the e-estonia briefing center, I was certified that all data security and protection measures were implemented from the start.

Coming back from a stay like this, we finally say that everything is possible and that as Director of an innovative company in Monaco, the future is before us.

Each state has its past and Estonia has definitely decided to inscribe it in the future.

Marion SOLER
